I'm So Happy

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This is so strange to me. I'm in some guys house that I barely know, but that guy is Kurt Cobain and I lost my virginity to him just a few hours ago. I knew what I wanted and luckily he wanted the same thing. Is this a one night stand? I don't know and I have no idea what happens next. I sincerely hope it's not a one time thing, I enjoy Kurt's company and hopefully he enjoys mine.

I awake after a few hours of sleep, Kurt turned to the other side of the bed, while I rub my eyes to make sure this isn't some dream. Nope, I'm not dreaming thankfully.

I get up and get dressed, back into the dress Sally picked out for me and really wish I could throw on some of Kurt's more comfortable looking clothing. I head to the lounge and find his phone mounted to the wall. Next to it is a piece of paper he has pinned to the wall with phone numbers on it. I find a pen on the dining table and scribble my number on the paper with my name and the words 'Call me' next to it. I place the pen back where it was and I smile. I put my Doc Martens back on and head out. 

Once back at my apartment, I brew a coffee pot and turn on the TV. There's nothing on, due to it being 3 O'clock in the morning, so I get my acoustic bass guitar and start playing it. I got this new guitar with the extra money I had from all the overtime I had been doing at the coffee shop. I had my electric one, but when you live in an apartment, plugging an electric bass into an amp and playing it can be a little too loud, especially at this time of night. I decided to treat myself to an Ibanez acoustic, with wood grain detail. The sound is just candy to the ears, so smooth yet crisp and the tone has a particular depth to it that is extremely satisfying. 

I begin to play 'Love Buzz', remembering it from when Nirvana had played it at the Bleach launch party. This song seems to be a recurring theme in mine and Kurts relationship, as both times I've seen him he has played it live. I love the original, but something about Nirvana's cover is more appealing to me. Maybe the bass being turned up? Maybe because of Kurt's voice? Or the punk influence this one exudes? I have no clue, but it is constantly on my mind.

After multiple amounts of coffee and a few riffs later, I have written something I really like. No lyrics, but a melody that should really be played on a 6 string, and a bassline that I really dig. I haven't felt as inspired as this in so long. Maybe it's being with Kurt that has helped with my creativity, he just makes me want to do something, create some art or compose some music.

The tiredness sets in finally and after seeing it's 8am, I get into my cute Fraggle Rock Pyjamas and slide into bed, almost falling asleep immediately. I'm grateful that I have no classes today, however I do have work at 1pm.

My phone doesn't stop ringing and I wake up looking like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards. Hair is sticking up in ways I didn't realise was possible.

I groggily get up and head to the lounge to answer the ringing demon.

I clear my throat and answer.

"Hello?" I say mid-yawn.


I hear Sally on the other end.

"Huh? I went home after the show. Why?" I ask.

"Mother Fucking Love Bone were at chad's party last night....And you missed them....and I may have done something really stupid."

"Oh christ, what did you do Sal?" I ask, now intrigued.

"So there's this guy from the band...." She trails off.

"You mean Nirvana? Chad?" I reply.

"No, I mean from Mother Love Bone...The bass guitarist...I kinda hooked up with him last night..." she admits.

"What?! What about Chad? You guys break up?" I ask, actually quite surprised...she dotes over Chad, or she did.

"No, he wasn't paying me attention and this guy was....so....." She giggled.

"You're a slut Sally. Chad is gonna be heartbroken." I say, half joking about the slut comment and fully serious about Chad.

"He doesn't know and we're gonna keep it that way. The guy I was with last night thinks I'm single so....I may be seeing him again." She giggles.

I feel fucking bad about Chad. He doesn't deserve that. I know Sally and him have had their ups and downs lately, but this is Sally's way of dealing with it and I disagree wholeheartedly.

"You have to tell Chad. This isn't fair on him." I say honestly. "How would you feel if he did the same to you?"

"It's fair on me that he pays me no mind? I have needs, I can't wait for him to figure his shit out when there are other guys willing to plug me." She says defensively.

"Break up with him then Sal, it would hurt him less if you did that rather than cheat on him." I say.

"Ugh GIRL! I wish I never told you...I knew you'd be all self righteous and shit. It's just a little fun." Sally replies.

"Whatever...you clearly have this all planned out. I'm not gonna be a part of it though." I state. 

"You have to meet Jeff...he's a babe....he has a friend called Stone who is one of the guitarists...I could introduce you..." She suggests.

"No thanks, it's fine." I say.

"Oh come on! You're single! You need to get laaaaaid!" she laughs.

"Actually I'm okay as I am. I'm not ready for anything yet." I lie, I'm keeping what me and Kurt have on the down low.

"He's cuuute! Totally your type...quiet, mysterious...." She goes on.

"Honestly Sally, I'm not in the market for anything at the moment, and I gotta go get ready for work." I reply trying to end the conversation.

"Ooooo I might bring Jeff in to meet you later!" Sally continues.

She does my head in sometimes.

"Bye Sally." I say, cutting her off before she can say anything else.

I sigh with some relief. Sally can be a little much sometimes especially when you've just woken up.

The phone rings again. Seriously Sally?

"Look Sal..."

"Alana? That you? It's Kurt..."

I'm interrupted by Kurt and I smile, thankful he found my number.

"Hey Kurt, how are you doing?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm okay, kinda bummed you weren't here when I woke up, but hey, I know you're probably busy. Wanna meet again tonight?" He asks.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to get in the way. I'm not sure how these things go, but I'd love to meet you again." I giggle.

"Come over...I was gonna order Pizza and get some beer, I got some pretty fucking good weed we could share too." He says. 

"That sounds great. I'm working until 6 tonight, I'll come over after?" I reply.

"Sure. I can't wait." Kurt says as I hear him puff on a cigarette.

"I really enjoyed last night by the way." I add, smiling to myself.

"So did I. I miss you already, sounds cliche but it's true. I like being around you." He says.

I'm blushing so much, I feel like my cheeks could be mistaken for overgrown cherries.

"I like being around you too." I reply. " I gotta get ready for work, but I'll see you tonight."

"Sure, see you then." He says before hanging up.

I put the phone down. I don't know what this man does to me, but my entire day has been made just by hearing his voice. I'm happy he doesn't want this to be a one night stand, I don't think my heart could take it. 

I'm falling hard. 

I'm Not Like Them (A Nirvana Fan Fic - Kurt Cobain! X OFC)Where stories live. Discover now