Wouldn't It Be Fun?

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My shifts at the coffee shop went as quickly as they came, it was always busy as students from the University would always pop in before or after their classes, or just on their down time. Some even worked on their assignments in their note books as they enjoyed their beverages, and sometimes I would do that too if I needed to sit and concentrate on an essay.

Today it's quiet, but I have my colleague Darren with me to help the time go quicker. The time goes quicker when you have someone to talk to, and Darren speaks to me about his Humanities course he's doing and it sounds like he will get Distinction grades at this point. He's so enthusiastic about it.

Mid way through my shift, I hear the bell of the door ring as a couple walk into the shop. The voice is instantly recognisable before I even set eyes on the woman.

"ALANA BANANA!" She calls loudly, walking up to the counter with some guy that isn't Chad.

"Sal....please don't ever call me that again." I smile.

"Oh lighten up! I will have a dry cappuccino with chocolate sprinkles pleeeease!" She replies. "What do you want babe?" 

The man looks at the menu above. He has messy mid length blonde hair and wears a quirky hat, with a hooded jacket on over a vest top."I will have an Americano, black please." He smiles politely.

He is quite cute, I can see why Sally has gone for him and he seems too nice for her in all honesty, but I guess opposites attract sometimes. I still feel bad for Chad.

"Sure. No problem." I say. "$6.99 please".

"I'll get this babe..." the man says to Sally, grabbing some notes from his jeans pocket and placing them on the counter.

"Thank you" I smile, opening the till and placing the money inside the drawer.

"Jeff this is Alana....Alana....Jeff." Sally introduces us.

"Nice to meet you." Jeff says.

"The pleasure is all mine." I reply. "You guys take a seat and I'll bring your coffees over."

"You grab a table...I'll be over in a minute." Sally says seductively to Jeff as he smiles in response before going to find somewhere for them to sit.

Sally leans on the counter and looks over to me.

"Isn't he a hottie?" She aggressively whispers.

"Huh?" I say, looking over from the coffee machine. "Oh yeah, he is....but you know my opinion about what you're doing."

"Look, Chad is being a dick, he hasn't even called me to see how I am....I mean I woke up next to Jeff this morning, in his apartment, so granted I wasn't near the phone..." She tries to explain.

I shake my head as I make the Americano and Cappuccino.

Once I've finished frothing the milk for Sally's Cappuccino, I pour it into the cup with the espresso shot and place it on the side, next to the Americano I just prepared for Jeff.

"You're playing a dangerous game Sal. Someone is gonna get emotionally hurt." I respond.

"And you're the relationship expert now huh?" Sally says.

"No, definitely not. I'm just telling you my opinion." I reply.

Sally takes her beverage and I take Jeff's as we walk over to the table.

I place the mug with the Americano down in front of Jeff and he thanks me as Sally sits opposite him.

"Can I get you anything else?" I ask.

"No thanks." Jeff winks at me with a smile.

"Well you guys enjoy!" I say before returning behind the counter.

I'm cleaning a few mugs and plates, and beginning to close down as the time nears 6. I see Sally practically sitting on Jeff's lap as he whispers sweet nothings into her ear. She looks shocked and then looks over to me and smiles. Whatever he has just said to her, it seems as though I was mentioned. I pay it no mind and continue to cover the cakes and pastries, and Darren cashes up the till for the day.

"Guys, we close in 5." I yell over to Sally and Jeff.

They both laugh and stand up, straightening themselves up. I am looking at Jeff's crotch right now and he catches me looking at his boner. Shit. I honestly didn't mean to look, but the length of that thing is astounding....

He smiles at me before Sally and him walk over.

"We got a question for you Alana...." Sally says quietly.

Darren heads out back to lock the money in the safe for the evening.

"What is it?" I ask, taking my apron off. I catch Jeff looking at my breasts, in my fitted long sleeved shirt. I get the feeling he's digging me.

"Well we've been talking....and wondered if you'd wanna hook up with us tonight?" Sally replies.

"What?!!" I respond a little shocked.

"It's not for me...you and I won't do anything, but Jeff really likes threesomes..." she explains.

"I think you're fucking hot...both of you are...I just wanna have you both.." Jeff says. "Greedy I know, but what's the harm if we all agree to it?" 

"Um....I....I'm not into that kinda thing. You guys enjoy each other though." I say awkwardly.

I've just been asked to have a threesome for the first time and I'm really uncomfortable with that notion.

"Aww come on...I caught you looking at me..." Jeff smiles. Okay he has a nice smile and he is charming as hell but I'm not up for this. 

Sally is cheating on her boyfriend with this guy and now he wants a threesome with us...I think he may be taking Sally for a ride.

"I'm good." I respond. "I have a date tonight" I say, although I don't tell them with who.

"You....have a date?" Sally asks excitedly and somewhat unconvinced.

"Yeah, and I am going to his after work." I admit.

"Who is it?" she asks.

"None of your business Sal!" I say.

"Oooooh I know." she smiles "Your right hand?"

"I'd like to see that..."Jeff adds, before Sally playfully pushes him lightly.

I roll my eyes, "No, not my right hand....an actual guy who I met a while back."

"I want ALL the deets..." Sally says.

"Nope, I don't kiss and tell. You guys have a nice night. Me and Darren gotta close up the shop." I say, trying to get Sally and Jeff to scram.

"It's Darren isn't it?" Sally asks, eyes wide.

"What?! No! He is into guys, so no!" I respond. "I'm not telling you who it is yet. I want it to work out before I say anything to anyone else."

"No fun!" Sally says. "We'll see you later then..." 

Jeff winks at me again and I start to wonder whether he has a problem with his eye or not, the amount of winks he's given me.

Sally drags him out of the coffee shop and I sigh with relief. 

I wait for Darren to get back so I can say goodnight and head off to Kurts place.

I'm Not Like Them (A Nirvana Fan Fic - Kurt Cobain! X OFC)Where stories live. Discover now