As You Go Along

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My classes the next day were not fun at all. I have a killer headache and I think I was hallucinating still from the Acid I took with Kurt. He's all I can think about at the moment, and my 'History in Photography' lesson is eluding me currently. I'm sitting in the lecture hall, hand on my forehead as my elbow leans on the arm of the chair. I need more than a few pain killers today for this beast of a head complaint.

I feel myself doze off and then a voice call my name.

"Alana? Miss Masters?"

I wake and open my hazy eyes.

"Huh?" I say, the whole lecture hall is looking at me. Great.

"Boring you am I?" my professor asks.

"Oh, no not at all...crazy night is all." I reply, feeling self conscious and nervous.

"Well I suggest you don't have one of those nights before you have a class Miss Masters. There's a lot of crucial information you will need for when your finals arrive, so you'd do well to pay attention." he says with a passive aggressive tone.

"Yes Mr Lloyd. I'm sorry." I respond.

After another hour of my class, I wandered to the coffee shop and ordered a couple of espressos to wake me up a little. Darren was behind the counter and noticed my unusual hungover look.

"What happened to you last night?" he asks as I down my second espresso.

" to a show." I lie.

"You've been to shows before....never turned up to work the next day looking like you fucked a rockstar and took all his drugs..." he replies.

I look at him with a surprise. "That's oddly specific."

"I've seen that look before." he states. "So, give me all the details..."

" aren't far off to be honest." I smile, like I've just been found out.

Darren's eyes widen "Girl....what happened? Who's the rockstar?"

"Well...his name is Kurt...he took my V card..." I say quietly.

"NO WAY? Kurt Cobain?" he says, a little shocked.

I nod. "I may have also taken some weed and some acid...." 

"No wonder you're a mess!" he states. "you're normally the goody two shoes."

"Gee, thanks Darren" I say with a hint of sarcasm.

Darren leans his elbows on the counter, with his hands resting either side of his face, eager to find out what my evening entailed.

"So....what's he like in bed?" Darren asks.

"Well considering he's the only person I've been with, damn good, amazing....the best I've ever had I guess you could say." I giggle. "Just....if you see my friend Sally come in, don't mention I've been with Kurt. She's had a thing for him and if she finds out I've been with him, I guarantee she will fight me."

"The red head who comes in with a different guy every day?" Darren asks.

"Yep, that's her." I reply.

"Yeah, I'm not a fan of don't worry." he assures me.

"Thank fuck." I laugh. 

"Anyway, I got you girl, go home and get some rest...and by rest, I don't mean on some guys cock." Darren says. "I can cover your shift."

"Darren, that's sweet, but you honestly don't have to. I can soldier on." I state.

"You smell of weed and sex...go home." he responds.

I sniff the arm of my jacket and understand what he means.

"Yep, definitely the ganja..." I say. "Are you sure? I owe you big time"

"Yes! Honestly, it's not a problem." he confirms.

"You are a fucking legend. Thank you." I say. "See you tomorrow."

I head back to my apartment and collapse on my bed. So comfy. So soft. Like a Marshmallow. 

I sleep for a few hours before I'm awoken by the phone.

"Grrrr." I moan as I stir, gradually waking up before I get up and go into the lounge to answer the call.


I hear someone crying down the phone.

"Um...who is this?" I ask.

"It's me dummy."


"Hey, are you okay?" I ask, hearing her tearful voice.

I hear her sniffle.

"I'm in some real shit Al..." she says. "I found out I'm pregnant."

To say I'm shocked is an understatement, but to be honest, why am I shocked? Sally opens her legs for most men that come on to her.

" you know whose it is?" I ask.

"It's gotta be Chad, the timelines work out. I was with Jeff last night...but I should have been on my period this morning and I was being sick, so I did a test. That's when I found out. What the fuck do I do?" Sally asks, seeming genuinely worried and upset.

"It's okay Sal, you'll be fine, but you gotta book into the family planning clinic. Did you want to keep it?" I ask.

"I don't know. I'm so confused right now." she admits.

"That's okay. Book into the family planning clinic and they can help you with your decision, but you have to tell Chad. He can go with you to give you support." I say, trying to help.

"I was gonna break up with and Jeff have a connection and I really like him." Sally says. "I guess this changes everything."

"Give yourself a day or two to figure things out, there is a lot going on with you right now. Spend time apart from Jeff and Chad and see how you feel. I can come over if you need some company." I reply.

"I'm meant to be meeting Jeff tonight at the Mother Love Bone show, what do I tell him?" She asks. She is the most vulnerable I've ever heard her. Normally she is super confident but this has really affected her.

"Tell him you don't feel well and you're gonna have an evening in. Did you want me to come over and we can talk?" I ask her.

"That would be great." she says, with a sniffle.

"Okay girl, I'll be over within the hour. Let me get myself together." I reply.

"Thanks Alana." She says. I don't think she has ever said thanks to me.

After we end the call, I freshen myself up and call a cab.

Before the cab arrives, the buzzer rings. I let the person in downstairs with the button on my apartment caller, and open the door to them.

A man stands with some flowers. He is a delivery guy with a trucker hat on. He has a large beautiful bouquet with a yellow and red theme.

"For Alana?" The guy says.

"Yes that's me." I reply.

I take the gorgeous flowers from him.

"From Kurt." he says.

He suddenly disappears before I have the chance to say thank you and I close the door. I stare at the flowers that are so stunning, and I put them into a vase with water.

I am amazed by this man. He is already sending flowers and we have been an official couple for just about 24 hours.

Once the cab arrives, I head out to see Sally.

I'm Not Like Them (A Nirvana Fan Fic - Kurt Cobain! X OFC)Where stories live. Discover now