Kiss this, Kiss that

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I sat with Sally for most of the evening while she sobbed and poured her heart out to me. She was definitely conflicted but she agreed to make an appointment to see a nurse at the family planning clinic along with Chad. Even though Sally can be a lot to handle most of the time, she's my friend and the only person that really made an effort to talk to me when I first moved to Seattle. I got her back, even if I don't agree with some of the decisions she makes. It's her life when it's all said and done, and hers to decide what she does with it.

The next day I had a few classes and then work, but I had decided to have Kurt over this evening. I told him I wouldn't partake in anymore Acid for the time being as it really messed me up the day after, and the last thing I want is to be failing my Photography course if I'm falling asleep during the lectures.

I get myself a little dolled up, not like the night Sally had me wearing the mini dress, but with a cute forest green pinafore and a short sleeved R.E.M. shirt underneath. I put some make up on with my signature brown lip and styled my blonde hair into high half pony tails on either side of my head. I felt comfortable like this and a lot more confident in something I felt suited me more.

The buzzer goes off and I answer it, letting Kurt into the building, before opening my door to the apartment.

There he is, just as handsome as ever with something different. His hair is slightly shorter than before, down to his collar bone and bleached a lighter blonde colour. I'm not gonna lie when I say it looks fucking amazing, and it definitely suits him.

"Hey." He smiles, holding up a 6 pack of Bud.

"Hi" I say, returning the smile.

He walks in and we kiss on the lips, just a small greeting to each other.

"Nice day?" he asks simply.

"Not bad, same as always really. Glad it's Friday." I reply. "You? I love your hair."

"I did it myself, got bored of the length and having to maintain it. At least while it's shorter I don't have to do as much with it." He says. "Apart from that, been writing for the new album. Me and Krist are thinking of making a big change next year."

"Oh how so?" I respond, curious at what he means.

"Chad hasn't been putting in much work, he's a little lazy when it comes to the band so we might find a new guy." He tells me.

I feel a little conflicted. While I understand him wanting to get someone into the band that is just as enthusiastic as him and Krist, chad's girlfriend is my friend and knowing what I know about their situation at the moment, this could be messy.

"I see. You can't give him another chance? Like 3 strikes and he's out kinda thing?" I ask him.

He puts the beer down on the counter and gets a cigarette out, puts it between his lips and lights it.

"We have given him like 5 chances. It's a fucking tough decision to make, but we just aren't gonna go places if he isn't gonna pull his weight." Kurt says to me, blowing the smoke from his cigarette to the side.

"I totally get it." I reply.

"I know he's dating your friend, so I'm guessing you're worried about how she'll be with you after?" Kurt says, completely understanding my concern.

I nod. "Yep. You got me. Only she doesn't know we are dating and until she has sorted some stuff out, it will stay that way.

"Why doesn't she know? You ashamed of me?" He smirks.

I'm Not Like Them (A Nirvana Fan Fic - Kurt Cobain! X OFC)Where stories live. Discover now