Standing in your Line

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While in Kurt's car, he turns on the cassette player and to my absolute delight, 'Mr Grieves' from The Pixies latest album plays.

I smile and laugh a little, nodding my head to the song.

Kurt's thumb taps in time to the beat on the steering wheel as he drives, with a cigarette in between his index and middle fingers.

We stop at a red light, and he looks over to me as I sing "Hope Everything is alllright..." along to the song.

I stop singing realising he's look at me with a grin.

"Oh shit....sorry..." I say, feeling super embarrassed.

"You like the Pixies?" He asks.

"Only one of my favourites...this new album, Doolittle, is so good. I went to see them last year when they came to Seattle." I reply.

"That's fucking awesome. You like Surfer Rosa?" He asks.

"Are you kidding? I love it! 'Where is my Mind?' Is icon status." I say, the most animated he's probably seen me.

"Nice...I love 'Cactus'. The beat in that...was kind of an inspiration for Love Buzz." He says before we continue driving.

"Isn't Love Buzz a cover?" I ask.

"Yeah but the beat is slightly different, of which the idea came from 'Cactus'." Kurt informs me.

"Well for the record...I think your cover is better than the original." I gush.

"Thanks. I don't think it's better, it's just a different take." He says taking a drag of his cigarette. "I've never met a woman as into the Pixies as you seem."

"Really? Then they have awful taste..." I gest.

Kurt laughs, his cute smile sending me swooning.

Once we arrive at his place, he pulls up outside on the parking spot outside the small home.

I get out of the car and look at the quaint house. It's small, but looks cozy.

Kurt gets out of the car and pushes the door shut and locks it.

He places his cigarette in his mouth as he finds his front door key from the set of keys he has in his back pocket.

Once he unlocks the door, I walk in and see posters up on the walls. It's not the cleanest of places, but it doesn't bother me too much. It's not unclean, just a little messy with clothes thrown across the floor, and random items lying around, like books, notepads, cassette tapes and art.

"Sorry, I would have cleaned up if I knew I was bringing someone back." He says, before opening the fridge.

The clink of bottles is heard and he gets out a couple of bottles of Bud.

"That's okay!" I reply in response to his last comment.

"Want one?" He asks gesturing to the beer.

I nod.
"Yeah that would be great."

He undoes the bottles with a bottle opener he has conveniently on the counter in the kitchen and hands one to me.

"Thank you." I say.

I sip on the beverage and lick my lips after.
"Oh god that's good. I haven't had a Bud in a while."

"Yeah it's not a bad one." He replies.

"Wanna see what I'm working on?" Kurt asks me.

"Sure." I say, following him to the lounge area.

He grabs a guitar, sits on the couch, puts his beer down on the coffee table and starts strumming some chords (a song that would later be 'Smells like Teen Spirit').

I'm Not Like Them (A Nirvana Fan Fic - Kurt Cobain! X OFC)Where stories live. Discover now