Chapter 16: Criminal Endevours

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It had been a week since Team CRDL tried beating up Max McGrath in the courtyard in an attempt to try and make an example of him to anyone who dared to try and make a fool of him, that of course failed miserably, and Team CRDL Was suspended from Beacon for two weeks. Max had since won great respect from his classmates, especially the Faunus, they thanked him for standing up to the bully who'd been tormenting his human and Faunus classmates alike. Ever since the end of the first semester at Beacon, and with the recent exclusive of Max Steel being revealed to the public via the media news outlets. Ozpin had been receiving several calls from his associates about this new superhero who appeared out of nowhere, fortunately Ozpin, thanks to max and Steels advice about selling the act on not knowing anything about Max Steel, was able to convince his colleagues from the other Huntsman Academies, primarily the Headmaster, Theodore and Leo. Unfortunately, his colleague from Atlas, James Ironwood had his doubts. The Headmasters continued their meeting via Remnant's own version of a Zoom Meeting.

Location: Beacon Tower Ozpin's Office

Ozpin: I assure you gentlemen this has caught me completely off guard as well.

Theodore: Ozpin, this Max Steel, how did he arrive in your kingdom undetected?

Ozpin: i wish I knew gentlemen, as for his motives, I think it's safe to assume that he means well in wanting to help our people.

Leo: I agree with you Ozpin, but still, how can one person possess such strength, such power? The way he was able to take on all those White Fang Soldiers and, whatever that Robot thing was.

Ozpin then noticed that James' screen was silent, he noticed how the good general had kept silent throughout the entirety of the meeting.

Ozpin: James, is something wrong, you seem awfully quiet.

James Ironwood: It's just that, how can we truly know that this Max Steel is on our side Ozpin? I hate to be the pessimist here, but how do we know that this wasn't a show?

Theodore: What exactly are you implying about this hero James?

James Ironwood: I'm saying that he have may an alternative motive for doing what he did.

Leo: That is a bold claim General besides, according to the footage, he not only took out the White Fang at the Docks, but he also saved several students who were at the scene. Surely that merits our respect?

James Ironwood: I'm not saying that he's a menace, I'm just saying, how do we know we can trust him to protect our people?

Theodore: While I don't completely agree with James' opinion, he isn't wrong. He may be a hero and have good intentions, but can we be certain that he's to be trusted?

Leo: Well, from what my students have told me, they absolutely admire the man. The way he saved those Faunus students and how he foiled the White Fangs plot. They're more than convinced that he's on our side

Theodore: Can't argue with you their Leo( He said as he chuckled a little bit) my students have also come to admire this boy and his techno friend.

James Ironwood: Yes his little drone friend is quite the discovery, as is his power to turn into various armors. if we could just borrow them to-

Ozpin: James Don't EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!

This caught all the headmasters on the call by surprise, but none was more surprised than James Ironwood.

James Ironwood: Ozpin?

Ozpin: I know where you were going with this and you can forget dissecting his friend to try and reverse engineer the technology that keeps him alive! And don't even think about trying to harness his powers either!

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