Chapter 31: Cytro to the Rescue!

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Soon, after getting the coordinates to Team CFVY's mission secretly from Ozpin, Steel sent the coordinates to Cytro, and after having gone over the intel on the strengths and weaknesses of the various Grimm. Berto upgraded Cytro as needed for the rescue operation. While Cytro was enroute to Team CFVY's mission, back at Beacon, Max Steel had agreed to help the student body set up for the dance, due to having a huge fanbase at Vale the students were practically begging the heroes to help get the dance set up. And needless to say, the boys were at first adoring the attention, but that was short lived once they remembered what it truly meant to be heroes. While Max Steel was being kept up to date on what was needed to get the dance, Cytro, dawning the stealth field rendering him invisible to naked eye, was in flight to Team CFVY's last known location to assist and rescue the team if necessary.

Back at N-Tek's hidden Vale facility, Berto was controlling Cytro and analyzing the intel on all the various Grimm that have been discovered along with their strengths and weaknesses. Sufficer to say, the data left him speechless. Everything about these monsters defied all science. But, this wouldn't be the first time he's dealt with foes possessing unexplainable abilities.

Berto: Wow, and I thought dealing with the cursed sword of Murakami would be the only mystical threat I'd ever face. But these Grimm,(He thought to himself as he pulled up on his lab's monitor all the various Grimm ever recorded in Remnants history) they're a whole new ball park. One I don't want to enter. (Soon he hears his screen receive a call notification, and answers it.) Berto here-

Jefferson: BERTO!

Berto: NYagh!(He screams completely caught by surprise and nearly falling down backwards.) Jefferson, what the heck dude?! What's the big idea?

Jefferson: You tell me. What ever happened to finding Max and Steel. Cytro got back from Vale, but you never replrted if you found them or not. Only that you encountered Toxzon and that he got away with some dangerous chemicals.

Berto: Oh, that, right. Well, to tell you the truth, I did find them, and from what they told me, they're alive and well. And enrolled, free of charge, at this kingdoms greatest academy in traingng the next generation of huntsmen and huntresses. Beacon Academy, however, before I could get more on what's been going on with this world since Dredd's arrival, their new friends walked in and things got complicated.

Jefferson: How so?

Berto: Well, we learned that two of the new freinds that Max Steel got to know, didn't trust them and did something that broke their trust for a while, but I'll explain it later, right now I'm flying Cytro to a rescue mission to save some of their new friends, and Van-Ghan is standing by as my back up.

Jefferson: Huh, I see, but you still didn't tell me why they haven't reported back to N-Tek so that we can all go-

Berto: Look Jefferson, I'll be straight up with you, I won't lie to you or the others, and I won't put words in their mouths as to why they won't come back yet. Only to tell you that they'll explain themselves once they stop by the base tomorrow to debrief us on what's transpired over the course of six months. And you and I both know how stubborn they can be.

After hearing Bertos response in no pt answering the question directly, he really couldn't be mad at Berto. Unlike Max and Steel, Berto was honest and straight forward and wouldn't break protocol or bend the rules, and he certainly wouldn't lie to anyone. And he was right, This was an answer only Max and Steel could give to explain their recent choices as of late. However, being around those two for nearly three years now since the very beginning of how it all started, he knew that they had a pretty good reason for none wanting ton.eave Remnant to return back to them ain N-Tek Base back on Earth.

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