Chapter 26: A Chat with Ironwood

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AS soon as Glynda and Ozpin left the office to give The Trio the privacy they requested, no one spoke for at least 10 seconds. Things were tense at the  moment, Max and Steel had no idea if Ironwood was trustworthy, even if he was a member of Ozpins inner circle. And James Ironwood had no idea if he could earn Max and Steel's trust at this point, but he also wasn't sure if they could be trusted either. Especially given how they were inadvertently responsible for their enemies following them to Remnant. Both Parties continued to stare at one another, until General Ironwood decided to break the silence.

Ironwood: Look, before things become more unedge between the three of us, I just want to clear the air by saying. I'm sorry for what I suggested when I had my meeting with the other headmasters. But I admit, I am curious at the level of technology that the two of you possess. However, I wish to honor the conditions that you both have demanded from me. These are dangerous times, and the stakes are to high for me to be on uneven terms.

Steel: For once General Ironwood, we agree on something. But don't think for split second that you've earned our complete trust. Especially for your creepy suggestion to study me and Max. So here's how's this is going to go down.

Ironwood:(raises an eyebrow in confusion) I'm not sure I follow. But continue

Max: We aren't going to tell you everything about us, just like with everyone else. You'll have to earn our trust. 

Steel: And fair warning, don't assume you can quietly plant a tracking bug or a listening device on us, we already busted two people for trying that stunt on us.

Max: And things didn't end up good for them when all was said and done. You'd be wise not to pull that stunt on us.

Ironwood was shocked to hear that they would accuse him of attempting such treachery. While he admitted that the thought did cross his mind. But the risk wasn't worth the price. But the fact that someone already tried that stunt on the heroes is what shocked him even more. He certainly didn't want to make the same mistake.

Ironwood: I'm sorry to hear that anyone actually tried that on you two. I will respect your wishes, and while I admit that it irritates me that I won't know everything about you two immediately, I recognize that if I were in your shoes. I suppose that I'd do the same as well. What's funny to, is that it hurts knowing I'd do the same thing were I in your shoes *laughs a little.*

This to gets Max and Steel to giggle as well.

Steel: Well, the hardest truth to come to terms with-

Max: Is the truth about yourself. 

Ironwood: I'm glad we agree on something else. 

Steel: Anyway, back to the elephant in the room. We're trusting you with our secrets, but not enough to know the entire truth about us. We're going to tell you a bit about us, but not everything, you're going to have to  work to earn our trust. (He spoke pointing to himself and Max, with his partner crossing his arms and nodding in agreement.)

Max: Steel's right, you may be the head of the most powerful military force on this planet and be the headmaster of one of the four huntsman academies, but that's not enough to earn our trust. Though that is an impressive resume. You may hate it-

Steel: But it's something we've both decided upon. So if you think about strapping us to a table and figure out what makes me tick-

Max: Or to dissect and harness my turbo powers-


Steel: So you understand our demands?

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