Chapter 18: Staying on Patch for a Week

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Summer Vacation was nearly over, and There was only one week left before the start of the new semester at Beacon. Max and Steel had mostly passed it in Vale staying at their dorm, they wanted to get to know Vale better, and every now and then, they'd go Max Steel to either thwart crime, or to save people in distress. The attention made them famous, and soon news of their heroic antics had spread throughout all of Remnant, and many people wanted to meet the heroic Max Steel. So to honor the last week of the vacation, Yang and Ruby had offered the turbo duo an invitation to stay with them at their house on the Island of Patch. The boys took them up on their offer, and after packing and saying their farewells to their friends at Beacon, Ruby, Yang, Max and Steel, gathered their belongings and took off to catch a ferry at the docks to take them to Patch.

Location: Patch Docks

Time: 10am

Ruby: Yay, we're back on Patch! Oh I can't wait to see Zwei and Dad! This is going to be great!

She yelled as she excitedly jumped up and down.

Max: Uh Ruby, you haven't told your dad about our secret, have you.

Steel:(embedded in Max's chest plate, hidden in Max's casual attire): Yeah, we want to be the ones to decide who to share our secret with, if it's all the same to you girls.

Yang: We understand, it makes sense.

She said as she was unloading her bike from the boat, Bumblebee had a wagon attached to it, which was carrying everyone's luggage.

Max: So, how do we get to your house from here, I'd ride on Bumblebee, if my turbo powers wouldn't short out the electrical systems every time I'd sit on it.

Yang: Don't remind me( She said remembering the time that she failed to heed Max's warning about the damage his powers had on her motorcycle, which resulted in them crashing into some bushes, and caused a hot tempered Yang to hunt down the duo) (If you're interested in understanding what she's talking about, Read the Shorts story, chapter Overdrive to understand the reference.

Max: Don't even go there, that was all your fault!

Yang: Okay, okay I get it. I shouldn't have interrupted you and I should've listened to you, no hard feelings?

Steel: No hard Feelings?! You lit your hair on fire and tried to shoot us as you were chasing us! Of course we have hard feelings you crazy Blonde!

Yang: Sheesh alright I get it, I'll have to make it up to you guys.

Max: Look we forgive you, but like Steel said, you'll have to make it up to us.

Ruby then decided to intervene in the hopes of changing the conversation to keep everyone on their best behavior.

Ruby: So anyway, we hope you'll like visiting out home and getting to know our dad.

Max: How is your dad with meeting new friends?

Steel: Is he one of those over protective fathers, who will do anything to protect his little princess?

Ruby: Well he is- Hey! who are you calling little, have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?

Steel: you know what I meant, half pint.

He teased.

Ruby: Ha ha, very funny.(She said sarcastically.)

Yang: alright you guys we should get a move on, Max, Steel, why don't you guys follow us and we'll show you the way.

Max: Sounds good to me, wait one minute.

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