33 - A Dream

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Ben's POV

I layed in bed with my eyes open, wide awake. She was just a few doors away. My Jennifer. She wants me and I want her. So what are we doing here exactly? What am I doing? Why am I not with her?

I turned on my side. ‚Because she's also with someone else and that's just.. not how you want things to be.', I thought to myself.
But not being with her felt much worse than just accepting things how they are. She had Leah on the side in the beginning and I didn't even notice. And everything was just fine. It was perfect. She was happy, I was happy.

I sat up. I love her and I'm not gonna let her go. I got off my bed and walked to her room fast, then knocked on the door softly, because I wasn't sure if she was already asleep.

„Yes?", I heard her angelic voice and opened the door.
She was sitting in bed and looked at me with big eyes.
I walked over, got on the bed and was on my knees, looking at her gorgeous face that looked at me expectantly.

I cupped her face and smashed my lips on hers. We kissed deeply, passionately and I used my tongue to deepen the kiss as she groaned in pleasure of being so close again.
„I love you!", I said between kisses. „I'm not...letting you... go... ever again!"
She whimpered at my words and tears were rolling down her face as we kept on kissing.

I crawled on top of her and she layed on her back. We stopped kissing and looked at each other. I kissed her tears away and she laughed a little while sobbing.
„I love you so much.", she said, cupped my face and wrapped her legs around me. She wasn't wearing any underwear underneath my shirt. She gently caressed the side of my face and I closed my eyes at her touch.

Her sweet touch always felt like home to me. The warmth of her hands and her scent made me feel at ease and filled me with incredible happiness. In this moment, I felt whole.

I kissed her again, put my hand on the side of her thigh and slowly brushed it up her body, pushing my shirt she wore up until my hand came to rest on her boob.

She quivered at my touch and groaned into my mouth quietly while I felt her nipple getting hard. Then she pulled my briefs down, exposing my erection. Her warm opening pressed against me, ready to take me in, engulf and lovingly crush me.

We locked eyes and I conquered the depth of her wet orifice slowly. She opened her mouth, tilted her head back and closed her eyes at the sensational feeling I brought her. It felt indescribably good to love her like that.
Her moans took me somewhere else and to look at her face while loving her is my favorite thing in the world. She held onto my back and I felt her getting close when she dug her nails into my skin. I kissed her because I know that intimacy takes her on her high.
And it did.

She groaned into my mouth until she tilted her head back and moaned loudly as her walls tightened around me and made me cum too.
I broke down on her and buried my head in her neck while she put her hand on the back of my head. We were both panting as she cupped my face and held it up so she could look at me, smile the sweetest smile and kiss me deeply.

Another tear ran down her cheek.
„Oh baby.", I said to her. „It's okay, I'm here."
She smiled. „Those are happy tears, baby.", she whispered softly. I slid out of her, laid down next to her and put my arm around her so she could put her head on the shoulder-armpit-chest triangle, or as she calls it, her love-hollow. I played with her hair while she let her fingers run up and down my chest.

„You're really not going anywhere, huh?", she said in a raspy and low voice.
I smiled and kissed her head. „I'm not."

With the scent of her hair in my nose, I nodded off peacefully.

Jennifer's POV

I woke up in bed alone and rubbed my eyes.
My heart skipped a beat. Was it a dream?
The bed held a faint scent of Ben, but I was in his house so that could mean nothing.

I sat up. Please, let it be true, don't let it be a dream. I got up and walked downstairs, still wearing nothing but his shirt. Ben was in the kitchen.
His face brightened when he saw me.
„Good morning", he smiled.
I walked closer to him carefully.
„Good mornin'...", I said with an unsure voice.

„Is everything okay?", he asked.
I frowned. „I'm just.. I...", I stuttered.
„I was just making coffee to bring to you.", he walked over to me.
„Did you?", I asked.
He was pretty close now. He put his hand on my lower back and pulled me close to him, then wrapped his other arm around me too.
He smiled at me and lowered his head to lean in for a kiss.
It wasn't a dream. My heart jumped and I put my hands around his neck, stood on my tiptoes and we kissed.

I flashed a big smile after we stopped.
„You look happy.", Ben stated.
„I am happy!", I said and Ben went on to get cups. „For a minute I thought what happened last night was just a dream.."

„What do you mean?", he asked. „What happened last night?"

My heart dropped again and my mouth was open.
„We had...", I said but Ben interrupted me.

„I'm sorry baby, I was just playin' you.", he laughed.
I walked over to him and punched his arm.
„How can you do that to me??", I asked in a very high voice.
He still laughed while handing me my coffee.

„That's not funny.", I pouted and turned around to settle my cup on the kitchen island.
„Yes it is.", he hugged me from behind and kissed my neck. I giggled.

After coffee I texted my driver because I had to leave. We had a full day of rehearsals planned.

„Breakfast?", Ben asked.
„Yes, please!"

He made us some scrambled eggs and I ate pretty much of it.

Before I left I needed to ask him something.
We were already walking out of his door when I stopped and leaned against the doorframe.
I grabbed his shirt and pulled him a little closer to me.
„So... are you.. coming back?", I asked him.
„You mean, move back in?", he replied.
„Yeah.", I said softly while trailing my fingers along his chest.
He kissed me and said: „I'm already packing."
We both smiled and I pulled him in for a tight hug.

„Okay..", I whispered. „I gotta go."
„Okay, I'll be back with my stuff tonight.", he said.
I smiled and pecked his lips, then turned around to walk away. He playfully smacked my ass, causing me to jump and scream a little. I walked to the car shaking my head laughing.

I can't wait for him to move back in.

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