Chapter 11

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Nobody's Pov

Vegas still laid on the floor lifelessly, not planning on getting up. His father came in the room multiple times over the course of 3 days, beating him continuously. Today was the day that Pete gets released from the hospital. Pete and Chay both talked and decided that they would be going back to the mansion.

Pete' Pov

Today I am finally being released from the hospital, I can't stand it here any longer. Chay helps me pack everything up and get ready to leave, just as we were about to leave, the doctor said that there was someone waiting out front to take us. When we walked outside, we seen that Arm and Tankhun were waiting for us in a car. We went up to the car before getting in and greeting them. Hello Arm, Hello Tankhun, we both said while fastening in our seatbelts before driving away.

We finally arrived at the house, and I couldn't be happier, I just want to lay down and get some proper rest.  As soon as we all walked in, we heard yelling, I thought it was Vegas, but it wasn't. I heard the yelling getting closer before I seen someone throwing punches at Vegas. I tried to go forward but was stopped by Arm and Tankhun. That's his father you better not try anything, Arm said continuously pulling me back. His father sensed our presence and stopped hitting Vegas, Vegas' face was messed up and bloody. 

GET OUT HERE NOW VEGAS. His father yelled. Vegas tried his best to get up, but he couldn't, he fell back down with every attempt. I SAID TO GET OUT HERE, he yells again. Vegas then uses the rest of his strength to get up off of the floor and walk out towards us. I gasp as I see the condition he is in; I quickly cover my eyes. His father then calls down to me, you that scared of him to the point you won't even look at him. 

Vegas looks at me with eyes full of guilt. I open my eyes fully and look at him, a tear slips out of the corner of my eye. His father then pushes him to the ground and gets ready to hit him again, Don't I yell before he places his hit. His father stops and looks at me, he then makes his way down the stairs to me. I tried to help you, but it seems like you don't want it he says before leaving the house.

I quickly ran upstairs to Vegas and helped him up. Come on I need to get you to bed, I say as I try to lift him up. I wince in pain as my own wound hasn't healed yet. Why, he says barely over a whisper, just come on. I say as I finally make it to the bed with him. I quickly ran into the bathroom and got supplies to help clean his cuts. I ran back to the bed and started to clean his cuts, hi, hissing from the occasional sting it brought. 

Why are you helping me Pete, he asks as tears roll down the side of his face. Shhhh, I say as I wipe the tears from his face. If you talk, you'll end up hurting more, I said in a soothing voice. He just laid there and cried more, he then grabbed my hand and hugged it. I'm really sorry Pete, I don't mean to avt the waw I do towards you, he says as he sobs. Vegas don't cry I'm here; you don't have to worry. No matter what I will always be here for you, I say trying to calm him down. 

Can you hug me, Pete? He asks as he looks up into my eyes. I just nod my head and lie down next to him as bring him into my embrace. Don't cry anymore let's get some sleep, I say as I stroke his hair. We both ended up falling asleep happily in each other's arms. 

Chay's Pov

I look into the room that they're both in, trying to see what was happening. I see them both laying down in each other's arms comfortably. I sigh as I walk back into my room. As I was walking, I seen somebody in the corner of my eye. I see them looking up at me and quickly looking away when he sees me. I stand there confused trying to see if I know him. Just then Arm comes up to me, that's the guy that carried you out of the car when you first got here. 

I blush as I try to imagine him carrying me all the way to my room. Who is he? I ask. That is Sir Vegas' cousin, Kim. I nod and thank him before returning to my room.

Kim's Pov

I look up at the stairs and see him, the boy that I carried inside. I see him looking at me and quickly walk away before anything serious happened. I walk into the kitchen and hold my chest, why did my heart start beating faster after seeing him?

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