Chapter 12

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Pete's Pov

I wake up and realize that Vegas is still sleeping. I can feel that my arm is numb from him laying on it for so long. I try to wiggle out of his grip but fail as he holds onto my shirt and pulls me back with him. Please don't leave me, he says pleadingly. I move back towards him and pull him into my embrace more, I'm not going anywhere, I say. He just holds me tighter trying to make sure that I stay where I am. I'm sorry Pete, he says as his voice starts to cracks, signifying that he was going to cry. 

Hey, it's okay you don't have to apologize anymore, I have already forgiven you. I said reassuring him. How could you forgive me after all of the wrong things that I have done to you? Vegas says. Because I love you, I say making him shocked. He jumps up and looks at me confused. Do you mean it? he asks trying to get me to confirm what I said. I nod my head as tears start to form in his eyes.

He then hugs me as tight as he can, causing me to wince in pain. He then let's go a little, remembering that my side hadn't completely healed. I look at him in the eyes and slowly move closer to him, our lips almost connecting. He moves forward closing the gap between us, our lips moved together in unison as we shared a loving kiss. Just as he was going to move further someone knocked on the door, it was Tankhun. Sir Vegas your father is here to see you, he says before walking away from the door.

 Vegas then gets up from the bed and makes himself look more presentable. He looks at me before he grabs the doorknob. It's ok Vegas just don't say anything to make him mad. I say in a soft voice. He was still hesitant to go, I walked over to him and grabbed his face while looking into his eyes. You got this love; I say before pecking his lips. He then takes a deep breath and opens the door before walking out.

Vegas' Pov

I walk out slowly and went down the stairs. I see my dad sitting on the couch, I walk over to him and bow down to him before greeting him. Hello father, I say as he stands up. He then puts a hand up to place on my shoulder, I flinch as I was expecting him to hit me. He retracts his hand and places it back into his pocket. There is going to be a party that you must attend, bring as many people as you want with you. He says as he walks towards the door. I am going to give you another chance to be the head leader, don't fuck it up this time, he says before leaving.

I walk back up the stairs with a smile on my face, it feels like my life is slowly coming back together. I walk into the room and see that Pete has fallen back asleep, I cover him with the blanket and walk to the bathroom. I get in the bathroom and turn the shower on, I then undress myself as I get in and wash up. After getting out of the shower I get dressed and make my way back into the bedroom. As I walk into the bedroom, I can see Pete sleeping still, I walk over to my closet, outing something away. As I walked to the closet, I heard Pete mumbling something, I turned around to see if he had woken up. 

I walked over to him trying to see if he was okay, I shake him trying to wake him up. He then starts to say something a little louder, he seems to be in distress. I try to wake him up again, but I failed. A tear escapes the corner of his eye as he calls out to someone.

Pete's Pov

No no no....come please don't go. I am running after my mom. I can see her running farther and farther away from me. I try running after her, but she keeps going faster and faster. I try to move but I can't my feet are placed on the ground, and it feels as if I'm being held down. I suddenly wake up to Vegas shaking me, I look at him before hugging him as tight as possible. He pats my back and shushes me trying to comfort me. I stay in his arms for a little while longer before pulling away to look at him.

Are you okay now, he says as he looks at me lovingly. A tear escapes from my eye as I remember what I was dreaming about. I saw my mother, and she kept running from me, I tried to catch up to her, but I couldn't she was going faster each time, and then I-. He stops me as he sees me panicking, he holds my hand and wipes the tears on my face. I slowly calm down and go back into his arms, I just sit there listening to his heartbeat. 

What did you father ask you, I say in a questioning voice. He told me that he has a party that I have to attend, and I want you to go with me. What, I say in a shocked voice. I want you to go with me to the party. He says again as he looks at me waiting for an answer. I look at him before getting up and walking to the bathroom and locking the door. I hear the bedroom door open and close, meaning he left the room. I sigh as I think of the question he asked me, there is no way that I can go to that party.

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