Chapter 13

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 Vegas' Pov

I know that Pete is scared and doesn't want to be associated with other mafia members, but I want him to come with me. I know that he is nervous, but so am I. Being the mafia leader is one of the hardest responsibilities there is, I also put Pete's life in danger. Which is why I want him to come with me, so that I can make sure he is safe.

Pete's Pov

It's been a couple of days since Vegas asked me to go to the party with him. Ever since he asked, I have been avoiding him more and more each day. I don't want to avoid him but I'm afraid that he will ask me once again. I try my hardest to keep conversations short with him, and always lie and say I'm not feeling well as a cover up. I have tried to build up the courage to just talk to him. but I just can't.

I walk into the bedroom and see that Vegas is sitting in the bed, looking at me. Just as I try to go to the bathroom, he grabs my wrist and turns me to where I'm facing him. I look up into his eyes before looking away, already knowing what this conversation is going to be about. Pete, he says. I don't respond and just look elsewhere. He then grabs my chin lightly and turns it towards him, making me look at him.

Why are you avoiding me, he asks. I- I'm not a-avoiding you, I stutter as I try to look away again. He doesn't let go of my chin, still forcing me to look at him. Pete, don't lie to me love, tell me why you are avoiding me, he says softly. I- I-, I can't form the words I'm trying to say because of the sudden wave of nervousness that went through me. Come on Pete, you can tell me, I can't fix what I did if you don't tell me what I did, he says. 

I'm afraid of going to the party with you, I say quickly, He then puts a hand on my face and lightly brushes it across slowly. I know you are, and I'm scared too, he says. I tilt my head utterly confused why he is scared as well. Why are you scared? I ask. I don't want anything to happen to you Pete, you are my whole world, I can't imagine my life without you, we have come so far with each other, and I don't want to stop, he says.

I know that he doesn't want to lose me, but I'm afraid. Can you tell me why you are scared to go? he asks. I just don't want to associate or be around people that can put mine and Chay's life in danger, I answer. He then pulls me into a hug, making sure that we are as close as we can be. Pete I won't let anyone hurt you or Chay, you guys love each other very much and I wouldn't do anything to ruin that, he says calmly.

I just nod my head against his chest, as I have seemed to calm down a lot more. He then pulls away from the hug to look at me again. So, Pete will you go to the party with me? he asks with pleading eyes. How could I say no to you when you are looking at me like that I say as I chuckle a little. We should head to bed now; I still have to talk to Chay about this in the morning, I say as i make my way to the bed.

Vegas follows and lays down next to me, I lay my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as I drift off to sleep.

Chay's Pov

I am definitely mot a morning person, I sigh to myself as I get out of bed. Just as I was about to go to the bathroom someone knocked on the door. I walk over to the door and open it, revealing both Pete and Vegas. Can we come in and talk to you for a minute? Pete asks. Uhhh sure I say as I step aside letting them come in. So, there is this party that Vegas has invited us to, and I wanted to know if you were willing to go. Pete says. I look at him for a second before answering him.  

Pete, you know that I don't like parties, I say. Yes, I know but it would be a lot of fun, and the guy you have been stalking will be going to. He then looks at Vegas before speaking. What's his name again, Pete says asking Vegas. Oh, you must be talking about Kim, my cousin, he says. I can feel my face get warmer as I hear his name. Awww you're blushing they both say in unison. What no I'm not, I'll go but I am not going because I want to see him okay. I say fast before kicking them both out of my room.

I then hear them saying giving details about the party, but I run into my bathroom going to wash my face. Why do I always get so excited when someone brings him up. Just the other day I was starting at him for what felt like an eternity. A smile then creeps on my face as I think about the fact that I will be able to see him again. I smack myself in the face realizes what I was just thinking about. I want him so bad but barely know him.

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