Chapter 7

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Chay's Pov

I sit on my floor looking at all of the boxes that are packed, full of my stuff. I hear my mom packing up the remainder of our items in the living room and kitchen. I look out my window and see all of the falling rain. Where are you, Pete? I'm sorry for blowing up on you, please come back. I feel a single tear fall down my face, I wish he was here right now with us.

Pete's Pov

I wake up, still being chained to the bed. I sigh as I think about my mom and brother, I wonder where they are, I wonder if there okay. Tears brim my eyes, threatening to fall. I can't let them be on their own, what if they try going back to dad? They will not be safe with him. I feel myself struggle to breath more and more as I thin k of all the possible events that could happen. Before I knew it, I was having a panic attack, I tried to catch my breath, but I couldn't. 

Suddenly someone came rushing to my side trying to calm me down. Slowly but surely my breathing started to go back to normal. I look up at the person that came to me, it was Vegas. He was patting my back and saying sweet things trying to calm me down. He doesn't look like the type of person to be nice like this, so it was surprising. I look up at him, his eyes looking straight in mine. I look away before this escalates to something more than just looking.

I want to shower; I say to him. Okay I will order my me-, I cut him off before he can finish. Alone, I say sternly. If you want me to stay here so bad then I want to be able to do things on my own, I'm not your pet that you can just play with. I speak. Okay I will have them come and unlock your chains so that you can shower. He speaks before getting up and leaving.

Well, that went a lot better than I thought. I sit in bed waiting for them to come and unlock the chains. About 5 minutes later they both came in and brought me clothes to wear, a toothbrush, and toothpaste. Sir Vegas ordered us to bring you these and to unlock your chains to shower. They said, looking directly at me with blank expressions. 

What are your name? I ask. One of them spoke up first, I am Tankhun, and this one on the side of me is Arm. If you ever need anything don't dare, ask him he is an idiot and can't even remember what he ate for breakfast. Tankhun said. I just nodded looking at both of them. 

Okay well can you unchain me now so that I can shower? I ask. Oh, right, Arm says as he walks over and undoes my chains. They both then leave the room and I head to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and gasp as I look a lot more pale and dead then I did the first day I was here. I go to the shower and turn it on, heating up the water. I then undress and jump into the shower, letting the hot water relax me. All I can think about is my mom and Chay, I need to help them somehow, but I can't. As I think about them, I start to panic again, I have to try and calm down before it's too late. 

As I am calming myself down, an idea pops in my head. I finish up in the shower before getting out. I then start brushing my teeth and washing my face, hoping it would make me look more alive. My stomach growls, being the only sound that was made in the bathroom. I rub my stomach, remembering that I hadn't eaten in 2 days. I finish getting dressed before I walk out into the bedroom.

I'm shocked to see that Vegas is standing there waiting for me to get out of the bathroom. He slowly walks over to me and touches my hair he then grabs the towel from me and starts drying my hair. You will get sick if you don't dry your hair properly. He says in a caring voice. I look at him with a blank face before I say, I'm hungry. He just chuckles and takes mt hand in his. 

I feel my face get slightly warmer than before, when I'm with him I always seem to get more excited. I know that it is wrong to feel this way towards him, but it doesn't feel wrong it feels so right. I move aside trying to get away from him, but every move I make he moves along with me.  Our lips are just in front of each other, just as we were about to close the gap between us, there was a knock on the door. I went away from him and opened the door. Breakfast is ready, Arm says before walking away. 

I turn towards Vegas and look at him, he is just smiling. I once again look away feeling flustered. He walks up to me and grabs my hand, come on let's go and eat. He says taking me down to the kitchen. I sit across from him at the table, him giving me a confused look. 

I start to eat the food that is given to me, I can feel Vegas' eyes on me. Vegas I have something to talk to you about, I say with a serious tone. Vegas then looks at me and gives me his full attention. I will stay with you, but I have one condition. He looks at me waiting for me to say more.  You must help me with something, I say hoping he will agree. Okay what can I help you with, He says curious to find out what I'm asking for.

I need you to take me home...

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