Chapter 27

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Nobody's POV

Tay, Kinn, and Porsche were all sitting in the living room on the couch in silence. Porsche cleared his throat, hoping that someone would start talking to ease the unwanted tension. Shortly after Porsche got up and went to the kitchen to refill everyone's water. When he came back, he seen that Tay and Kinn were having a conversation. As Porsche walked in the room both Kinn and Tay stopped talking and went silent again. Porsche looked a little confused but didn't pay any mind to it.

After about 20 minutes of small talk between them Kinn stood up and started walking to the kitchen. Seeing this Porsche got up and followed Kinn to the kitchen, as they both entered Porsche was about to speak but Kinn covered his mouth. Porsche furrowed his eyebrows and tried taking Kinn's hand off his mouth, Kinn put his finger up to his mouth telling Porsche to stay quiet. Porsche nodded his head and moved Kinn's hand off of his mouth. What is wrong with you, why are you acting all weird? Porsche asked in a whisper. Kinn looked at Porsche and made him duck down so that they wouldn't be seen. I don't know if we should trust this guy, I mean he seems a little bit suspicious. Kinn said also in a whisper. 

Porsche looked at Kinn confused, before speaking again. What do you mean, how is he being suspicious? Porsche asked. Kinn looked up to see if Tay was still sitting in the living room, when he looked, he didn't see him. Kinn stood up quickly causing Porsche to get even more confused. Kinn went into the living room and tried to find Tay, just as Kinn was about to call out his name Tay came walking out of the bathroom. Kinn sighed and smiled at Tay, Tay looked at Kinn a little confused. Oh, there you are Tay I was just about to ask what you would like to eat, Kinn said as calmly as he could. 

Tay just nodded before replying to Kinn. Anything is fine, I'm not a picky eater, Tay said before sitting back down on the couch. Kinn walked back into the kitchen where Porsche was still sitting on the floor. Finally, Porsche said before getting off the floor. Now will you tell me what is so wrong with him, Porsche added. Kinn walked over to Porsche and grabbed a few plates out of the cabinet behind him. Kinn placed the plates on the counter and pulled Porsche closer to him, before he finally spoke. When you were in here getting water, he started talking about Pete, he was talking about how he used to care for his family and how he would frequently see Vegas go into the convenience store that Pete worked at. Kinn said. 

Porsche looked at Kinn before he closed his eyes and sighed. How is that suspicious, Porsche asked Kinn while looking at him like he was crazy. Kinn backed away from Porsche and spoke again. I'm not sure, was all that he said before he continued making the food for the three of them. Porsche just face palmed himself before leaving Kinn in the kitchen by himself. After about 10 minutes Kinn walked out with three plates of food, they all started eating the food and having a normal conversation. Just as Tay was about to say something he put his plate down and got a drink of water, Tay then fell over on the couch.

Porsche choked on his noodle and put his plate down as well. What did you do to him, Porsche asked with a concerned look on his face. Don't worry he will just be sleeping for a few hours, Kinn said calmly as he took another bite of his food. Porsche's mouth hung open in disbelief, There is no way that you did something to him just because he gives you a weird feeling, what are we going to when he wakes up, what if he tries to attack us. Porsche said really fast.

Don't worry Porches we are going to tie him up, Kinn said as he placed his plate down and stood up. Porsche looked at Kinn like he was dumb before he spoke, who is we, Porsche said. Well me and you obvi- Before Kinn could finish Porsche started to walk away. Kinn grabbed Porsche's are and pulled him back to him, Pleaseeeeee will you help me, Kinn said with puppy dog eyes. Porsche just sighed before speaking. You are a pain in the ass, he said before going over to Tay. I might be a pin in the ass, but I am your pain in the ass, Kinn said to Porsche. 

There is no time to be flirting, now get over here and help me before he wakes up. Kinn walked over to the couch and lifted the top half of Tay and started taking him to the basement. After they both successfully brought Tay down to the basement Kinn got a chair and helped Porsche sit Tay down. Porsche fell to the ground in exhaustion, he laid on the floor and huffed as he watched Kinn do the rest of the work.

After Kinn and Porsche were done they went back upstairs and sat on the couch once again. Porsche decided to get up and check on Vegas since it's been a couple of hours since he got the shot from Tay. As Porsche was walking upstairs, he heard groaning. Porsche quickly ran into Vegas' room and seen that Vegas was holding his head. Vegas what is wrong? Porsche asked as he went to tend to Vegas' needs. Hearing all of the commotion Kinn came upstairs and helped Porsche situate Vegas, just as they were about to leave Vegas grabbed Porsche's arm. 

Please tell me where Pete is, I'm begging you Vegas said pleadingly. Porsche and Kinn just looked at each other before they looked back at Vegas.

Pete is-

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