Chapter 23

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2 years later~

Pete's POV

Ding Ding~ Welcome in, I say as another customer comes in, oh hey Kim, what are you doing here. I ask as Kim walks up to the counter. I came to pick up Chay, is he here? Yeah, he's in the back you can go get him, I said as Kim walks to the back of the store. Another customer walks in and I quickly get back to work, bye Pete I'm going with Kim now. I hear Chay say as he leaves the store. I sigh before ringing up the customers items, have a nice day I say before watching them leave.

4 hours later

Okay boss I'm out of hear have a good day, I say as I walk out towards my car. I sigh as I start my car and start driving, eventually I made it to the hospital. I walk in and go to the front desk, I'm here to visit Vegas I say to the receptionist. Okay go ahead on up Pete, she says before I walk to the elevator. I get inside and press number 5 and wait for the doors to open up again. As I'm leaving the elevator, I see Macau walking out of Vegas' room. Hey Macau, how is he? I ask.

Still not awake, he replies before getting in the elevator and leaving. I sigh as I walk into his room, closing the door behind me. Vegas I'm here to see you again, I say hoping that maybe just maybe he would be awake. Unfortunately, he wasn't, I sigh again before sitting in the chair next to him. A single tear slips from my eye as I sit in silence, I wish you were awake Vegas I say. I miss you so much you know, it's so hard without you. More tears fall from my eyes as I talk to Vegas' motionless body.

I lay my head down on his chest and sob, hoping that he would wake up and comfort me. After being with him for 3 hours I decided that I needed to go home and rest. I grab all of my things before kissing him on the head and leaving the hospital. I get into my car and drive to mine and Chay's shared apartment, when I walk inside I see a sticky note on the counter. Pete I'm going to be staying with Kim tonight so don't stay up for me. I place the sticky note back down and head to my bathroom, I then turn on the shower and jump in before going to bed. 

I close my eyes and think of Vegas, ever since he's been in a coma life just hasn't felt the same for me. 


Nobody's POV

Kim and Kinn hurriedly put Vegas in one of the vans and drive as fast as possible. Pete is sitting next to Vegas holding his wound as he cries for Vegas to wake up. After driving for a while, they finally reach a hospital, they rushed Vegas inside and called the doctors for help. The doctors rush over to them and take Vegas into an operating room, Pete falls to the floor and cries as he holds onto the operating door handles. 

After 2 hours of Vegas being in surgery one of the doctors finally came out. Excuse me are you guys' sir Vegas' relatives? The doctor asked. Kinn nodded as he walked up to the doctor waiting for the news. Well, I have good news and bad news, the good news is that Vegas is breathing and stable, but the bad news is that he has fallen into a coma. Pete's heart shattered hearing this news, Kim just patted Pete on the shoulder and comforted him. Thank you doctor Kinn says before sitting down again. My pleasure, the doctor say's and walks away.

Every day since the incident Pete went and visited Vegas in the hospital. He went and celebrated Vegas' birthday, and even all of the holidays. Pete started working again too since that was Vegas' wish, he even got an apartment for him and Chay.

End of Flashback

Pete woke up to his phone ringing, he looked at the time and seen that it was 3:00 in the morning. Pete then answered the phone, Hello, Pete said. Hello is this the relative of Vegas. The lady on the phone said. Pete fully opened his eyes and said yes, feeling a little nervous. Well, I would like to inform you that he is awake and asking for Pete, is this you? Before Pete could answer her he hung up and put his shoes on before dashing out of his house and going straight to the hospital. 

Pete drove through many red lights as he was trying to get to the hospital as fast as he could. Once he arrived the lady nodded at him before Pete ran to the stairs, Pete ran up the stairs quickly and ran to Vegas' room. Pete runs inside of Vegas' room, startling Vegas a little bit. Pete ran into Vegas' arms and hugged him while sobbing, Vegas just smiled and patted Pete on the back. Vegas you are finally awake I have waited for so long, please don't leave me again, Pete cried as he ranted to Vegas.

Don't worry Pet I'm not going anywhere, Vegas said as he hugged Pete tighter than he ever has before. After holding onto each other for what felt like an eternity, Pete called everyone else and let them know about Vegas. Macau was the first one to arrive, he ran straight into his brother's arms and hugged him as he cried. Slowly by slowly more people showed up to see Vegas, after everyone greeted Vegas, they left Pete alone with him. 

Pete laid down in the bed next to Vegas and cuddled up next to him. You have no idea how much I missed you Vegas, Pete said sleepily. How much did you miss me, Pete? Vegas asked. Pete then put his arms up and spread them apart as wide as he could. Vegas just giggled and kissed Pete on the head and laid down, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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