Chapter 26

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Nobody's POV 

He's dead.

Vegas couldn't process what was just said, his ears started ringing and he felt sick. He ran to the bathroom and threw up, Pete came in and rubbed his hands on Vegas' back, completely unaware of what was happening. Pete looked over at Kinn, waiting for him to tell him something. Kinn cleared his throat and motioned for Pete to follow him, Kim staying behind with Vegas.

Pete waited for Kinn to speak up and tell him what's happening. Kinn finally spoke up and told Pete what exactly was said, Pete slapped Kinn and looked at him furiously. How could you tell him that knowing what state he is in!! Pete said angerly. Kinn just looked at Pete apologetically, Pete then walked back to the bathroom and seen Kim helping Vegas up off the floor, Pete helped Vegas clean his face and rinse out his mouth. 

Vegas had no expression on his face, Pete could tell that he was upset. Pete helped Vegas sit on the couch and sat next to him. Vegas just sat there and didn't say a word, Pete kneeled in front of him and grabbed his hands before speaking. Vegas he might still be alive, Kinn isn't sure where he is but he was captured, he could still be alive out there. Vegas finally looked up at Pete, his eyes were glossy as if he was about to cry. Vegas I know it's hard for you, it's hard for me too and I promise we will find him, Pete said with both of his hands on his face.

Vegas just nodded his head and leaned into Pete's touch. I have to find him Pete, I can't let him stay out there all alone. Vegas said worriedly.  Pete just hugged Vegas and let him cry in his embrace.  After about an hour Vegas was tired and wanted to sleep again, Pete just laid him down on the couch and covered him.

While Vegas was sleeping Pete was packing his bag and loading a car for him to use. Kinn and Porsche watched him load his car and bag, they helped him bring some of the stuff to the car and helped Kim grab his stuff as well. Pete sighed as he finished putting everything he needed in the car. Are you sure you're going to do this Pete, Porsche asked. Pete just nodded his head as he patted Porsche on the shoulder.

Pete then went over to Vegas and woke him up, come on Vegas let's go to the room he said as he helped him up the stairs. Pete looked at Vegas' sleeping body as a tear rolled down his face. I promise I will bring him back Vegas don't worry. Pete kissed Vegas on the head and walked out of the room, closing the door quietly so that Vegas wouldn't wake up.

Pete then made his way down the stairs and met Kim at the bottom step. Are you ready? Kim asked, Yes let's go before he wakes up Pete said. Kinn and Porsche walked Pete and Kim out, making sure to let them know to call if anything happens.

Kim and Pete got in the car and slowly drove out of the driveway and out of sight, Porsche sighed. 

Porsche's POV

Do you really think that they will find him alive? I asked Kinn as we watched them drive off. I sure hope so, he replies as he rubs my back in reassurance. We both made our way back inside and made sure not to make so much noise so that Vegas didn't wake up. I sat down on one of the stools in the kitchen as I watched Kinn grab two glasses from the cabinet. 

Kinn poured wine in both of the glasses and placed one of them in front of me. He then sat next to me and held my hand before speaking. Everything is going to be okay my love don't worry, I believe that they will do just fine. I just nodded my head and placed it on his shoulder.

Nobody's POV

Kinn and Porsche were sitting on the couch watching a movie, during the movie the doorbell rang. Kinn got up and opened the door, it was the doctor that they requested. Kinn let the doctor in and got him a glass of water. Hello doctor, thank you so much for coming here, Kinn said as he handed the glass of water to the doctor. Of course, I am doctor Tay, but you can just call me Tay. The doctor said as he put his bag down. Both Kinn and Porsche nodded their heads before inviting Tay to sit on the couch.

They all talked for a while before they heard a familiar voice on the stairs, it was Vegas. Kinn and Porsche glanced at each other, before Kinn spoke. Are you not tired anymore Vegas? Kinn asked. Where is Pete, Vegas asked ignoring Kinn's question. He will be back soon don't worry, Porsche said trying to reassure Vegas. Where did he go, Vegas asked again getting slightly annoyed. Kinn and Porsche stayed silent causing Vegas to get even more annoyed.

Vegas was now yelling and trying to hit Kinn, Porsche tried stopping Vegas but ended up getting pushed harshly to the floor. Tay snuck up behind Vegas and placed a syringe in his arm, causing Vegas to slowly stop his movements. Vegas' eyes began to droop before they slowly closed. 

"Pete" was the last thing Vegas said before falling asleep again.

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