Chapter 15

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Pete's Pov

I stand awkwardly as whole bunch of people introduce themselves to me, one of them definitely stood out the most. His name was Porsche, he didn't seem like the type to try and hurt me. Just as I was going to try walking away, Kinn said something. Porsche would you be nice enough to go and show him around, he said. Porsche nodded before grabbing my arm and pulling me somewhere else. Don't worry I won't bite; he says while he chuckles.

We were both sitting at a bar, making small talk here and there. There were lots of people coming up to the bar before going back to the dance floor. What is this party even for? I ask. I'm not sure, I am always forced to go. I just nod my head before Porsche pulls me onto my feet and to the dance floor. Wait...Porsche I can't dance, I say as I try to go back to my seat. Neither can I but let's just have fun for once. He says.

Before I knew it me and Porsche were on the dance floor having the time of our lives. I look back and see both Kinn and Vegas smiling in our direction, Porsche seemed to notice, and he pulled me further into the crowd. Don't mind them and just have fun, he says as he continues to dance. We were dancing for what felt like an hour before we went to the bar again. Just as I sat down, I seen Kim walking by, he glances at me before approaching me. 

Did Chay come with you? he asks. My heart drops to my stomach, he was supposed to be with you, I say frantically. Who is Chay, Porsche asked. Before anyone could say anything more, I went straight to Vegas. Vegas looks at me worried, what is the matter, Pete? he asks. C-Chay is gone. I say with tears welling in my eyes. What, how could this be he was brought to Kim. He said as he began to look around. I drop down to my knees and panic as I slowly comprehend what is happening.

Vegas you have to find him, you have to get him back, I say as tears fall form my eyes. Vegas grabs my face making me look at him, don't worry Pete, I will find him. He says.

Vegas' Pov

Get Pete to the car and take him somewhere safe, I will stay and look for Chay. I looked at my other bodyguards before signaling them to go separate ways to find Chay. Get everyone out of here and keep anyone back that looks suspicious I say to Kim, before running to find Chay. I can see Kim running around letting people know that there is someone dangerous here and that they all need to leave. I runover to each of the rooms, kicking the doors open in hopes of finding Chay.

I check every room before running back into the main part of the house, I see the others standing there panting. Did you guys find him? I ask hoping for a good answer. No, we didn't see him anywhere in here. They all say. Just then I remember about what Kinn was telling me, I look up at Kinn before saying anything. Kinn, I think I might know where he is, I say. Do you remember when you were telling me about Tawan coming back? I ask. 

Yes, what does any of that have to do with Chay? he asks. Tawan could have been the one to take Chay, he always attacks us when we are in big crowds. Kinn then realizes that I was right, what are we going to do? we don't even know where Tawan is. Kinn says back. I sit and think for a second before it finally hits me. The cameras, we can check the cameras. I say as I run to the room that has the surveillance system up.

I immediately go onto the computers and look for any sign of Tawan. Just as I thought that there was no sign of him, Porsche points something out. Look right there, rewind a little and look at the back exit, he says. I do as he says, and believe it or not I see Tawan leaving, holding an unconscious Chay. I look over to Kinn, we need to get all of the evidence that we can, I say quickly. Kinn nods before he leaves the room to make a call. He then comes back in and informs us that he has people looking at footage of the street cameras. 

 I then pull out my phone and check my messages. I see that Pete has texted and called me over 50 times, I go out of the room and call him. The phone rang only once before he picked up, Vegas have you found him yet, is he hurt, is he safe.  Pete started throwing a whole bunch of questions at me, but my answer is going to disappoint him a lot.

I haven't found him yet Pete, but I promise you that I will bring him home, I say in a calm voice. The only thing that can be heard on the other line is Pete's sobs. I feel angrier by the second, hearing him cry. I have to go Pete; I say before hanging up and putting my phone back in my pocket. Tawan when I find you, I'm going to kill you.

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