1.2 - Partners in Shattered Dreams (Naomi)

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As Naomi weaved past people down the narrow, claustrophobic, brick-walled corridor, she debated whether straight tequila or a tasty caesar would dull this pain. She glanced at Greg, who grinned as Blondie led him to the dance floor. Naomi looked ahead and picked the tequila. Match a burn with a burn.

Once she and her drinking buddy found an opening at the small bar, Naomi flashed a smile at the bartender and fluttered her eyelashes. She'd never experienced or understood the appeal of physical attractiveness, but she'd spent enough time around people who did to know her looks and flirtation were like currency here. The bartender glanced at her cleavage, and his smile meant she'd shot up on his list of priorities, so she'd get a drink sooner.

After finishing a dark drink with a straw and lime, the bartender navigated to her. "What can I get you, gorgeous?"

"Two tequila shots, please." Naomi kept up her flirty smile, which he returned.

"Coming right up."

Eyebrow Piercing Guy rubbed the brown whiskers of his circle beard. "Presumptuous, but a good choice."

"Those are both mine."

"Can you make that four?" The guy hollered to the bartender and turned to Naomi with a grin. "If you had done that with your buddy, you wouldn't be here with me."

Naomi's shoulders slumped. "This is different."

The guy stayed quiet, but his words dissolved Naomi's confidence. Was that why Greg had run? Her confession hadn't had enough sex appeal? Based on his dance partner, Naomi was the problem, not the dancing or his ex. Every time either of them got out of a relationship, her heart leapt, but perhaps she needed to grow up and accept they weren't meant to be. Her needs and his differed more and more.

The bartender returned with four shots topped with lime wedges, along with a salt shaker, and a tempered smile. Her drinking buddy paid for them before she could, so she left the tip.

"That was unnecessary," she said in his ear. "But thank you."

"You can get the next round." He licked his hand and dusted it with salt, offering her the shaker to do the same. Once she'd returned the shaker to the bar, they took their shots in their opposite hands. "To forgetting about people who too easily dismiss us."


They clinked glasses then followed the salt, booze, and lime routine fluidly. Her throat and mouth burned as she overwhelmed the sensation with the lime's sourness.

As they prepped and held their second shots, he looked at her. "Your turn."

"To tequila, who never breaks your heart, just your will to face the world tomorrow."

Her drinking buddy smiled. "Cheers!"

After their shots, they shifted away from the bar, but the tables along the wall were all occupied.

"Wanna watch some pool?" He inclined his head toward the back wall, far from the busy corridor between the dance floor and the staircase to the main level.

"Sure." The area was far more relaxed and gave her a second to breathe.

How much longer would she stay here? Shivanna would leave as soon as Naomi asked since straight bars weren't her thing. Naomi just had to find her again. Was it weird to bail after Greg ditched her? 

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

The guy chuckled. "At least your lies are consistent."

"Why are you still here?" she muttered.

He shrugged. "Misery loves company."

"I won't sleep with you."

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