15.1 - End-game (Naomi)

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The day after Kieran's visit, Naomi felt better about her situation. Greg's answer would be no, robbing them of their shared dreams, but it wasn't worth sacrificing her well-being. She had good friends like Shivanna, and she wasn't alone on this journey.

After searching the AVEN forums for comfort, she saw she was among several others who'd swung and missed with their allosexual crushes. But at least she'd worked up the courage to try. If Greg couldn't accept her asexuality, that was on him, not on her.

He didn't call just texted to ask if she was home. She wagered he didn't want to talk on the phone and invited him over. Nervous energy coursed through her, sending her pacing throughout the house, enough for Cleo to jump up as if they were going for a walk. It wasn't the worst idea, and Greg lived far enough that even if he got a ride, she'd have extra time before he arrived.

She and Cleo ran their short walk route in about twenty minutes, five minutes quicker than usual. Cleo panted at her side as they approached the greening yard. Greg wasn't on the porch and hadn't texted so she ran inside for a quick shower while Cleo grunted as she flopped onto her dog bed.

Still no word from Greg and that energy wouldn't dissipate. Shivanna was teaching an evening art class, so Naomi texted Kieran instead.

Naomi: Greg's coming over. Can't imagine it's good news. Wish me luck not bawling my eyes out.

Kieran: We can hit up Tavern if it ends badly. Might as well have a tasty side of fries as you drown your sorrows.

Naomi: I'll keep you posted. Won't drink much with work tomorrow morning.

Kieran: Screw his timing. Ask him to reschedule.

Naomi: No use dragging it out longer.

She jumped as the doorbell rang.

Naomi: Shit, he's here.

Kieran: You got this, Ace Girl :) You're a catch no matter what he says.

His reply put a smile on her face for the briefest moment. She set her phone to silent and tucked it in her pocket. After a deep breath, she answered the door. Greg's eyes landed everywhere but her. At least she'd prepared herself for his rejection, not that it hurt any less.

He met her gaze. "Hey, Nomi."

"Hi, Greg." Her tone was more defeated than she expected.

"Can I come in?"

He left his suede boots on the rug and entered the living room. Cleo watched him from her dog bed, not getting up like she usually would to greet him. Naomi would have to reward her with an extra treat for her unspoken loyalty. He sat sideways on the couch, one socked foot resting on his pants. His fingers tapped on his leg, almost as if he were nervous. About what?

"How've you been?" Greg asked as they hadn't spoken since she revealed her identity.

"Up, down, sideways, inside out. Yourself?"

He let out a brief chuckle as if the pain lurking beneath her words was non-existent. "Work's been chaotic, but I'm making it through. Been thinking a lot about us too."

He met her gaze with tenderness, but it hurt to hold it for too long. Optimism was a dangerous thing.

If Naomi promised herself anything tonight, it was not to plead with him and accept their fate. Boundaries were okay and healthy. She wouldn't be happy otherwise.

Greg glanced from the floor to her. "You're sure about your asexuality, right?"

His phrasing made her cringe. She was as certain as he was about his sexuality. "Not a doubt in my mind."

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