8.1 - Cinnamon Buns (Kieran)

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Jake had roped Kieran into another mission to test the app at the grocery store. Jake chose a quieter supermarket with more options outside of their neighbourhood, which was a food desert unless you counted the delicious restaurants, which Jake seldom did. Kieran joined to spend time with Jake when he wasn't distracted by his coding.

The supermarket's wooden theme travelled from its ceilings to the signs occupying large sections of the walls and little tables holding the divine-looking baking Jake had disregarded like an overfilled trash can on a hot July afternoon. He'd made a beeline for the produce section.

"Why are we doing this again?" Kieran asked.

Jake scanned a stalk of Swiss chard. "Different seasons bring out new items or regular ones at their peak freshness. There are a few markets to visit once local produce comes into season."

"You couldn't make a gaming app, eh?"

"That wouldn't necessarily positively impact my clients' lives." He typed away on his phone.

"You think this is changing people?"

"For those who are open to change, it'll help them achieve it."

Kieran looked at the bitter green veggies with a frown. "Is that your way of dissuading me from frozen pizzas this week?"

"If you want to avoid lethargy and bloating. Your body will feel as good as the food you put into it." Jake didn't even look up to deliver that blow, though knowing him it was more unintentionally blunt than pointed.

"You're ignoring the relief from easy meal prep and the satisfaction of something so cheesy, meaty and delicious."

"Temporary relief and brief satisfaction with the potential for long-term damage."

A couple of women in the fruit section caught Kieran's eye. One studying mangos was tall and thin with chestnut hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her confident stance and teasing smile directed at her friend seemed familiar. As he and Jake moved into a closer aisle, he recognized the voice.

Kieran stopped and whispered, "Jake, that's the woman from the bar."

Jake hardly looked up from the vegetables. "Which is relevant because?"

"Ace Girl."

"Oh." His focus shifted to the ladies. "The taller one is somewhat consistent with the women you used to bring to the apartment. Are you going to talk to her?"

Kieran wanted to, but what icebreaker did you use with someone you'd talked to at a club once? 'How'd things work out with that jerk you were into' might trigger an unpleasant conversation.

She and her friend laughed as they picked through the guava fruits. Ace Girl wore a pair of sweats and a loose gray hoodie that said 'Treaty One' with a pattern encapsulated by an orange circle. But her casual clothes didn't diminish her beauty, they emphasized her long eyelashes and lively brown eyes. Her heart-shaped lips danced with each laugh and quip at her friend.

Jake approached Ace Girl and her friend. Kieran must have zoned out. Crap, what would his brother say? He wouldn't mention the night at the bar or how Kieran still brought her up, would he?

Whatever it was, the women hung on his words and kept talking to him, so Kieran drifted over.

"It's an app?" Ace Girl's friend asked, her long beaded earrings swaying as she tilted her head.

"Try it." Jake handed over his phone, which was significant for him since he was particular about sharing it. "I'm making it as accurate as possible. It takes the size and ripeness of the produce and generates nutritional and general information to help you choose the right product."

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