44.1 Surprise (Kieran)

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This chapter isn't quite as physically intimate as the last one though there is a detailed discussion about what Naomi is and isn't comfortable with in a relationship. 


Kieran was spoiled with a second weekend of waking up beside his amazing girlfriend. The early sunlight filtered through the blinds, landing on the sun-tanned skin of her arms and face. Her hair flowed past her shoulder, covering the logo of an old softball t-shirt she slept in. With the warmer weather, they'd kicked aside the blankets, leaving her long legs exposed along with the sleeping shorts that rode up, much to his delight. A pair of black lacy underwear only partially concealed her incredible ass.

Had she worn it for him, or was it comfortable? Katy had saved hers for special occasions as average lingerie stores didn't carry her size, and they hadn't fit that well, but Naomi had the body that people designed for, tall and slim. Perhaps they were just a cozy pair. Had she worn underwear like this every time they went out? He had to put the brakes on that line of thought. Yesterday, she had been very into their closeness, but she had initially put it in the non-sexual category. Although, getting to caress her breasts while they swam had seemed pretty sexual to him. Perhaps she dressed up for him for the sake of dressing up. He wouldn't object to that either.

He snuggled into her back and fell asleep with her in his arms. When he awoke the second time, her head and arm rested on his chest.

"Good morning." She kissed him on the cheek.

He could get used to this.

"It is an incredible morning."

When he ran his hand along her upper back, she let out that contented sigh he'd heard so much yesterday. Her breasts pressed into him, including her perky nipples. Was that boundary still open?


"I love these shorts."

Not any better. Damn it, Kieran.

The cheeks on her face reddened as she readjusted the material so her butt wasn't as exposed.

"Shivanna calls them ass-tastic shorts."

He couldn't help but laugh. "They certainly are." While she blushed, she seemed relaxed, so he dared to tease her more. "Quite the lacy number you have underneath."

She bit her lip. "That was supposed to be a surprise."

"Another surprise?"

She nodded shyly. He had to stop his mind, whose flashing thoughts wanted to break through the sound barrier. Everything they'd had done so far had been waist up. This had to move at her speed, and he had to respect where her finish line was.

"It's a great surprise."

She chewed her lip and studied his face. "Do you want to see?"

"Are you okay with that?"

"It's only to look. Yesterday was fun, but I'm not ready for more than that yet."

"If that's what you want, I'm all for it."

She tucked a strand of her dark hair behind her ear and smiled.

"I'm glad you tell me things like that," he added.

"You don't think I'm being a tease or a prude?"

"Not at all. You're ensuring our intimate moments will work for both of us. I like that a lot." He kissed the top of her head and stroked her soft hair. He didn't want a repeat of what happened at her party. Seeing her that down on herself broke his heart. "Do you want to discuss what you're comfortable with and what boundaries you never want to cross? We've had bits and pieces of that conversation, but I don't want you to use these 'yet's to push yourself into something uncomfortable or to worry about what you assume I want."

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