14.1 - Slice of Comfort (Kieran)

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"Kier, are you even listening?" Brinny asked from where she'd stretched out on the couch, her feet resting on his lap.

Kieran had zoned out a few minutes ago when she ranted about the unsurprising event of Cole cancelling a visit to Winnipeg. According to her, if Kieran wasn't dragging her around the province, Cole wasn't interested in visiting, which fit his personality to a tee. He only paid attention to her when the relationship was at risk.

"What's up?"

"My parents said I need to find my own place or get rid of Rusty if he keeps destroying things. I can't afford to move right now, and if Cole visits and Rusty is gone, his heart will break. He loves that dog!" The desperation in her eyes looked genuine, but he'd seen it so many times he'd grown desensitized.

"I dunno, Brin. Maybe the dog isn't worth the headache. Plus, people love adopting puppies. He'll find a good home."

Brinny pulled her feet toward her. "How can you suggest that?"

"Okay, train the dog to keep it from pissing off your parents."

"I've tried." She glanced at her phone. "Rusty is a wild soul used to roaming. Traditional methods don't work with him."

He was willing to wager she hadn't stayed off her phone long enough to train him. "Have you tried an obedience school?"

"They're full even in July."

He knew that because... wait, Naomi!

"Would you pay for a private dog trainer?"

"I'll try anything."

Kieran smiled and pulled out his phone. "I'll see what I can do."

He left the living room and headed out the sliding patio doors to the backyard where they'd left Rusty attached to a stake, which the dog had yanked out of the ground. Rusty rolled in the fresh mud. Kieran groaned as he'd be out in the drizzle later, hosing the dog off as Brinny invented another excuse. At least he'd to talk to Naomi today. He hoped it wouldn't make the situation with her boyfriend awkward.

The picture of a chocolate lab beside her name made him smile. He'd tried to forget about her since last weekend. It was bad enough he was tangled in Brinny's relationship. He didn't need to add another complicated friendship to the tab. But this was business.

The phone rang three times before a faint voice greeted him with a weak "Hello". Had she given him a fake number?

"Is this Naomi? Dog trainer extraordinaire?" He put French flare on the last word.

She sniffled. "It is."

Did she have spring allergies, or was she upset? "Hey, it's Kieran."

"Kieran?" her tone brightened a little. "I didn't think you'd call."

He honestly wouldn't have if it weren't for Brinny. "I wasn't planning to after the party. Didn't want to stir up drama for you."

"There's no more drama."


"I told him." The defeat came through in her weak tone.

Her excitement at the grocery and the party crossed his mind. Even if the guy was a douche, they had chemistry, and that split had to hurt like a bitch after ten years of pining for it.

He pressed the phone harder against his cheek. "Oh shit, you okay?"

"He said he'd think about it." The line was quiet for a moment. "He's had enough time to consider. He doesn't want to give me his answer."

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