10 - Grapes and Almonds (Kieran)

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Kieran lay in bed staring at his contact list and the newest one with a picture of a chocolate lab photo beside her name. That unspoken connection almost seemed like a sign she'd sensed his past, but once his mind started down that path, he wasn't rational.

He'd contemplated sending Naomi a playful text this morning: Ready for another cinnamon bun run?

Then just a regular one: Thanks for the cinnamon bun, rec. Delish!

Or something thoughtful and clever like Hope you're charming the pants on your guy. You got this, Ace Girl!

But they sounded terrible, and she'd given him her number for dog training, not to be harassed by a man with nothing better to do on a Thursday evening. So, he'd wait until he talked to Brinny and could give Naomi some business. Then he'd follow her lead if she wanted to keep their connection professional or friendly.

Cheering echoed from the living room, which had to be Jake's friend Austin because Jake's excitement was more subdued. Austin was one of the few people, aside from Kieran, with whom Jake spent significant one-on-one time. Years ago, Jake had even accepted Austin's offer to host him and Kieran in his apartment when they first moved to the city and hadn't figured out housing. For a short while, Kieran had thought his brother might be gay, but his dismissal of a relationship between him and Austin was so straightforward that Kieran believed him.

Kieran walked to the living room, figuring he'd get too bored and send Naomi something silly if he didn't. She had a boyfriend or a near-boyfriend she was deeply invested in, so getting involved was illogical.

"Hey guys," Kieran called out.

"Hey, Kieran," Austin said, but Jake was too focused on lining up his target to shoot to reply.

Bowls of almonds and grapes rested on the counter, so Kieran carried them to the coffee table and grabbed a snack with more salt and flavour.

Austin turned to Kieran as their game reloaded. "Jake tells me you met someone."

"I did? Who is she?"

Jake shook his head like it should be obvious. "Naomi."

Kieran chuckled. Of course, his celibate brother would consider that meeting someone. "Didn't you tell me to stop chasing women with boyfriends?"

Jake paused the game. "It could be a healthy friendship with clear boundaries. She's nice and genuinely seemed to enjoy your company, even with your nonsense at the bar. An amoeba, really Kieran?"

Kieran received the narrowed-eyed look he got after forgetting to buy all the groceries or bending to Brinny's will too often. "How do you know about that?"

"Did you think Shivanna and I were testing the app the entire time?"

Kieran grinned. "So, this healthy friendship of mine wouldn't be to help you run into her again?"

Jake's simple blink and straight face would win poker games. "Not particularly."

"You're not finally crushing on anyone?"

Austin and Jake shared a look. "No, and I'm not her type."

Jake's self-esteem couldn't be that low. He was a genius with good friends and who'd had significant success with his first app. Plus, as much as it pained Kieran to admit, his brother was the more attractive of them. He just never used it to his advantage.

Kieran said, "You have a lot to offer."

"I'm aware, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm a man."

"So you hit on her and got rejected?"

Jake furrowed his brow. "No, she had a lesbian pride flag on her purse. You didn't notice that?"

He had been too busy chatting with Naomi. "They have flags for that?"

Austin and Jake chuckled, and Jake popped an almond into his mouth. "Can you see why I'd want you and Naomi to be friends?"

"Not really."

"Brinny doesn't challenge you in useful ways, but Naomi seems independent, firm in her identity, and successful. She brings out a side of you that cares about deeper issues."

"Independent and successful, eh? Want to turn my room into a second office when I move out?" Kieran teased.

"No, if I needed the space, we'd move. Your attachment to Brinny isn't healthy for either of you. She dates self-centred, impulsive men, knowing she can get the stability and emotional support she needs from you. And you understand yet disregard what she wants, but keep waiting for her to change her mind, which she has been clear she won't do. I understood it initially." While Jake didn't say it, Kieran heard 'because of Katy' in his head. "But after two years, it should have run its course."

"Thanks for the pep talk."

"He's great at those." Austin winked, and he and Kieran shared a laugh.

"So, are you going to text her?" Jake asked.

"After I speak to Brinny about her dog."

"Perhaps that woman will finally positively impact your life, even if it's unintentional."

Wouldn't that be ironic if Brinny's reunion with Cole scored him a date with Naomi? He'd be guaranteed to enjoy it since both times they'd talked, she'd been interesting and funny. Her asexuality would spare him the awkward should or shouldn't he invite her back to his place moment as her answer was no, so it took some pressure off. But she already had a boyfriend, and Jake's idea of benefits differed from his own.  

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