11.3 - The Hockey Party (Naomi)

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"Can we talk?" Greg's voice was calm but his furrowed brow told Naomi he wasn't over his earlier tension, but neither was she.

"Sure." She bit back her petty reply about privacy.

Greg stood with a wide stance and his jaw firmly set. "What's going on with the electrician? Last weekend, he was a nameless stranger. Today you're on a first-name basis, and he's quite informed about the party."

Naomi crossed her arms. Was trying to accuse her of something? "We ran into each other at the grocery store on Tuesday."

Greg tensed. "How many other times have you two 'run into each other'?"

"I'm not lying to you. It was just the bar and grocery store. Shivanna was there."

"Is this why we're taking it slow, so you can compare me to this guy?"

Her eyes burned with tears that she begged her body not to form. "Screw you, Greg. I have done nothing wrong. I can't believe you'd accuse me of that!"

"Then why can't we have a normal relationship?"

Naomi's cheeks grew hot, and her breaths more ragged as she sought the couch's firm embrace. 'Normal' cut into her self-worth like a knife. Chasing it had torn her self-esteem into shreds. It had coerced her into situations where her body begged her to stop, but her mind pushed her through. It left her questioning her value as a human being.

She tried to steady her breaths. "I can't have this conversation with you when it seems like you're out to attack me."

Greg sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm trying to understand you. Forgive me for thinking that whatever this is between us means something."

"No, you've been a condescending prick. First, you dismissed a conversation your friend pretends doesn't bother him for your benefit. Now you're freaking out about Kieran. I could have blown up about Tara wandering up to your room, looking for you and throwing accusations at me, but I trust you. This could be something if you did the same with me."

She'd dealt with her exes thinking her feelings weren't as sincere as she claimed with her sexuality, but no one had implied she was a cheater. That was the last thing she'd expected from Greg.

"If you're going to dismiss the issues I care about and accuse me of cheating on you because of the speed our intimacy moves, this relationship is doomed."

He met her gaze and bowed his head. His heavy breathing grew softer as the minutes passed. She stayed because he hadn't asked her to leave, and she was too upset to mingle with a crowd.

"I'm sorry." Greg sat beside her and placed his palm on her knee. It didn't seem as soothing as she remembered. He took her hand in his and squeezed it before pressing his lips to it. "I spoke with Rory and Travis about that conversation more directly. Marc was there too to hear it."

"Thank you. Marc's been our friend for years. He deserved that at the minimum."

Greg released her hand and rubbed his palms against his pants. "I'm sorry about how I reacted with the electrician too. You were so pissed at me and thrilled to see him. It upset me because you two seemed close at the bar." His eyes were downcast.

Despite his vulnerable tone, she wasn't letting him off the hook that easily. "Not quite to your degree of bar close."

"That was different. It was just a temporary physical connection. I didn't plan on seeing her again."

Was that supposed to make it hurt less?

"You and the electrician were connecting and laughing and enjoying each other's company. I don't know what conversation I walked up on at the bar, but I can hardly kiss you without making you uncomfortable. You two discussed a lot more, and you seemed fine then and now." Greg's shoulders slumped.

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