35.2 - Triple (Naomi)

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"Ian told me," Naomi said.

Greg's nose wrinkled as he frowned. "Of course he did. For a man who hates me, he's quite invested in my relationships." The worry lines didn't leave Greg's forehead.

"Are you doing okay?"

"A lot better than the first time. We haven't worked for months. I couldn't see it before, but after dating you and being happy together, it was impossible to ignore that she and I were..." His shoulders slumped. "It was hurting me more than it was helping."

His feelings toward Tara summed up Naomi's during their relationship with Greg. She took a deep breath as her palms moistened as she shifted into a quad stretch. Better to be honest now. "Greg, I have–"

"My sister wants her stuff back. Bring it to the next game, so she doesn't have to see your face again," Ian spat at Greg as he and Brinny passed by.

"Of course. Good to see you too, Ian."

Brinny eyed all three of them as Ian cursed Greg out under his breath. The couple returned to the dugout, and Greg exhaled.

"You're lucky he's not pitching against you tonight," Naomi said.

"I'm sure a stray ball will somehow find its way towards my face. I deserve it though."

"Tara didn't sound very pleased."

"For what I did to you too."

Naomi froze, not wanting to relive any of those memories. The dust had settled, and there was no reason to stir it up.

"When you were honest, I made it all about me instead of supporting you. I'd built up this idea of our relationship, and I panicked after your confession, believing it wasn't possible. It also left me questioning your feelings for me. Had I listened to you or looked into asexuality properly, I would have understood it was ludicrous. I'm really sorry, Nomi. I get why you've avoided me."

A lump rested in her throat. "Thank you."

"Thanks for hearing me out." His smile triggered a flutter in her chest that should have been long dead. She knew how to snuff it out.

"Greg, I should tell you that—"

"Naomi, we need you here!" Ian yelled.

"Tell me what?" Why was Greg's voice so gentle and familiar?

She could spit it out and run, but it wasn't fair to blindside him with the news. Even he had reassured her after she found out about Tara.

"I'll tell you later."

She jogged to the bench and raised an eyebrow at Ian. "What's up?"

"Can Brinny borrow your batting gloves? She's second in the line-up."

Naomi dug in her bag and handed them to Brinny, guessing the pretty manicure motivated the request.

"They might be a little big, but it's better than too small."

Brinny smiled and stepped closer. "That's your ex?" Her gaze rested on Greg.


"He's gorgeous. You aren't having second thoughts about Kieran, are you?"

Was that a genuine question or was she fishing for clues to make Naomi seem untrustworthy? 

"Not at all."

Ian gritted his teeth. "Greg's an asshole. Kieran's nice."

With a laugh, Naomi said, "You two spent tons of time together to determine that."

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