15.2 - End-Game (Naomi)

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That smiling face, accented with a shiny eyebrow barrel piercing and a messy head of light brown hair, greeted her, making her less self-conscious. Kieran didn't waste time with hello, just set the pizza box on the outdoor bench and opened up his arms, which she tumbled into in a rush.

"It'll be okay," he murmured and stroked her back, diminishing her anguish.

She laid her head against his chest, letting his heartbeat calm her. It was likely because she was an emotional wreck, but she sensed she could live in these arms.

"I'm sorry." She hiccuped. "Every single time you've seen me, I've been a mess, either crying or drunk."

"You're an entertaining drunk. And you can't help this. If you've invested your whole heart into someone, moments like this are going to rip it out of your chest." As he squeezed her, the pressure made her shudder very soothingly. "I've hit these lows before and had people to help me through it, although I could have used hugs like this. Jake's not so into physical contact."

"I'd be happy to repay the favour, though I wouldn't wish anything like this on you."

"I haven't had feelings that strong in years, so I'm safe. The only thing Brinny risks bruising is my ego and patience."

"That sounds nice."

"It has its perks and disadvantages."

Kieran didn't rush to pull away, waiting until she started to, then stepped back.

"This will sound way too personal, but knowing you'd be there after my relationship crashed and burned got me through that conversation."

He smiled and studied her face. "It still looks like it hurt a hell of a lot."

"A lot less than it could have."

"Happy to help." He reached for the box on the bench. "You still want this? It has all the cheese, mushrooms and pepperoni you'll need."

"Yes, please." When she opened the box, double the amount of regular toppings stared at her. Cleo sniffed the air and fixed her gaze on the food, so Naomi shut the lid. "Did you want to come in?"

As he glanced at his truck, she regretted her question. Dealing with her emotional train wreck for one evening was probably enough for him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to assume. You don't have to stay."

"Jake's in the truck. It seemed weird going to Tavern alone in case you changed your mind."

It warmed her heart that he'd driven to Tavern for her in case she needed him. "He can come in too. I can't eat all this pizza."

"He's not a pizza guy, but if you don't mind having guests, I'd be happy to come in." His warm eyes connected with hers. Only he would connect happiness with handling her misery. 

"Sure, I can warn Jake I'm a wreck. Give you a chance to visit with Cleo in case I scare him off."

Kieran grinned down at the dog. "I can't turn that down, and you won't scare him. I have him well-trained to handle emotionally unstable people."

She tapped her finger on the pizza box. "You have me torn between being offended and curious."

"It's not meant to be insulting. You have a valid reason to feel like the ground's been torn from under your feet. And you don't seem unstable." The tenderness in his gaze convinced her he understood.

She scurried into the kitchen and put the pizza on a higher counter Cleo wouldn't reach. She returned to steal another hug from Kieran. His touch shielded her from her miserable day.

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