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𝐍𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐞: 𝐀 𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐄


"You should have told me you are coming to Seattle. I would have stayed for few days more" Kate replied instantly after I inform her about my short visit to Seattle.

"No, no need. I am going their for important business and i dont want any attention on me. I don't want anyone to know that" I replied nonchalantly still trying to find an important number from my phone.

"Okay if you say so. But I will be in the airport so meet me before you go for your business" She said awkwardly.

"Okay " I chuckle at her response.

"Have a safe fly. Bye" She said and cut the call.

After an hour of trying to find a specific number , I finally found it.

I called immediately and the person behind the phone received it at 5th ring.

"Hello" the person said.

"Hello Peter. How are you. Long time no see"I greet him.

" N-Nicholas you, how are you?"He said in a voice I found suspicious.

"Yes, I am good. It's been 3 years since I last saw you. You didn't receive my phone either when I tried to contact you"

"Yeah, I actually lost my phone" He replied immediately.

"But i see your number is same?"

"I recover my old number actually. I had all contacts their so i had to recover it" He coughed in the end.

"Hmmm, so where are you settled now?" I asked.

But little does he know that i know he lives in Seattle.

"Far away"

"Far where?" I asked frowning.

Why is he behaving so weird I wonder.
Is she by any reason scared of me. But why?

When he didn't utter anything I asked him without beating around the bush

"Aren't you in Seattle?" I asked and wait for his reply which came after a long pause of 10 second.

"How do you know?"

"Really? Are you forgetting who am I" I cough at his childish question.

"Oh no no. Y-yes I have settled in Seattle. But why?" He asked.

"Sir you need to fasten your seat belt we are about to land" The attendant said.

I nod in reply.

"Nothing Peter. Anyway bye. It was nice to talk to you after so long. Hope to meet you soon" I cut the call before he could say something.

I am sure he is hiding something. Something he doesn't want me to know.

After getting of the plan I start walking towards the lounge. Where I am supposed to meet Kate. I passed few people, trying to hide my face with the sunglass and cap.

I was fixing my long hair in the cap when I bumped into someone. I couldn't reveal my identity so I said sorry and moved past her.

But something strange happen, and for few second I froze in my place. Because suddenly I could feel her presence. And her smell so strong that It is getting hard for me to breath. My heart beating frantically. I could smell her I guess. Or it's like those filmy thing where you could feel presence of the person you love.

I tried to look around to see whether I am just imagining. But everything around me is suddenly in slow motion. My eyes already blurry and my feelings are overwhelmed. I looked frantically around to see the brown long hair which I loved to caress.

Or the brown doe like eyes which used to hold so much warmth that it melt my stone cold heart too.

I tried to look for anyone who wore baggy clothes just like her.

But No One, I couldn't find anyone like her.

"See where you are going" Someone said when I bumped into them. But I couldn't care less.

Then like cold water realisation hit me, The women I bumped into before.

Without my knowledge my body already started moving in her direction. Long forgotten my suitcase and my laptop.

I don't know what suddenly possessed me but a sudden need to find that women clouded all my sense.

I don't know what I am thinking or what I am trying to actually find because the truth I already know.

I stopped in the middle of the crowd to look everywhere. But I couldn't find her.

May be it's all in my head, may be I am again hallucinating her. But her smell, her old smell just stir a new hope inside me.

Call me crazy Or stupid but that hope made my heart beats very past as well as gave me calmness inside me...

I couldn't control myself and hold my knees and and started shading tears which I was trying to hold back for so many days.

It hurts it fucking hurts. I open my mouth trying to take breath in but it's getting so suffocating here. And then I felt a caress of hand on my shoulder..

"Breath in, Breath out. You are alright Nick" I looked up to the familiar voice.


I tried to talk but couldn't.

"It's okay. Let go and sit. Okay "

I nod at her and followed her.

Am I crazy if I hold into the hope even if I know the truth?


Short chapter I know. But I am sorry.

Reason I am not updating.

1) my exams are killing me
2) I remain tired most of the days with no motivation in my life
3) I am loosing ideas. I know what come after what in this book but the motivation to write isn't coming to me . And when I wrote it comes out weird.

Good News
1) my exams are about to end.
2) I will try to write even if I loose my motivation.

I hope you people will still show love to my writing and encourage me to write💓

I love you all🥺💓

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