(20) Kalon

72 3 2

Possessing a beauty that is more than skin deep.


"I DONT NEED YOUR HELP!! " I Whisper yell to Keith who is just not leaving my side.

He just ignored me.

This damn bitch.

"Don't you have any client to attend? " I again spoke agitated.

I am annoyed since the morning but somehow this emotion has elevated to something that is too confusing for me to understand.

The constant urge to burn everything around me as well as drown myself in the damn water is causing me snap at everyone.

Yes I did ask for his help but that was just slip of my toung. I wasn't really asking for his help , I... I was just wanting something to erase the pain for the time being.

Although I want to forget about the life I had before especially the year when everything changed but I do want to remember every small details of the man who ruined me I will take revenge on him even if I have to die in the process.

"No.. I took a off day" He shrugged while cheekily smiling at me.

"You know I hate you so much right now" I roll my eyes. ।

"Oh babe I know you love me lot. And I love you tooo" Keith said while pouting his lips and trying to come close to me.

"Shut up" I laugh when he came close to my face with that stupid pout.

We both stop in our place and keiths lips are still pouty when we heard a throat clearing sound..

We both turn to see m-  Nicholas looking at us unimpressed.

"Such a small world no? " He asked as if we just met coincidentally.

"What do you want?" I asked with that same agitation that's again returning in full fledge.

"Kenna! " Keith whisper yell at me while awkwardly smiling at his dearest client.

I am done with their bullshit so  I stood up and walk to front of the court..

And soon everyone settle down and murmur started .

"Please settle down everyone" The judge said.

And the culprit enters the court as if he owns this place.

Kate was the first to start speaking.

"Your honor my client, Owner of Cartar association is falsely accused of sexual harassment like I said before. He is an innocent man, he doesn't have any criminal record and he definitely wasn't even  in this country on the date the miss Astor mentioned in her fIR to the police"she said while presenting the flight details, hotel bookings to the judge.

"Your honour it's not uncommon to book flight and hotel on ones name and not go there" I counter her defence.

"But the hotel manager confirmed check in as well" Kate said calmly.

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