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"Please don't go ,Nick" Naomi cried while cupping my cheeks with her small hands.

" Oh baby I have to, I have works to attend" I tried to explain "and I will send you gifts from there, chocolates?" I suggest.

"No" She shake her head her small pig tails moving too. "No I don't want chocolate, I want you to stay, please" Her lips tremble and my heart break with it.

"Why do you go to seatle so much now anyway?" Roni asked.

Because something or someone there is not letting me sleep now a days

"Is it because of your girlfriend?" She question again and that made me turn to her with narrow eye..

"What?? Isnt it the reason, Kate right?. It's all over the news now a days, that you finally found someone and frequently visit there because to meet her" She said as a matter of factly.

"How many time I told you not to believe everything you see in TV? You know how paparazzi are?" I said while hugging my baby who is now whimpering.

"Shh I will be visit you more princess, please don't cry, you know this breaks my heart" I said rubbing her head soothingly.

"What's the reason Nicholas?" Roni enquired again.

"It isn't the hospital for sure"

"My therapy, yes the therapy I am taking is taking all my time "

"Okay" Roni replied unconvinced.

"Okay baby now I have to go" I smile at now red faced Naomi.

My heart breaks to leave her like this.

"Okay" She said and went to her mum and hug her and didn't look at me.

Roni nod at me reassuring she is fine.

And soon I board into the plan.

Its been weeks but I still can't take her out of my brain. Something about her making me curious to know her. And this is the first time in the last 5 years.

I don't know whether it is because she looks a bit similar to her or something that twists my heart into aching pain whenever I saw her in the last few weeks.

But for some reason she hates me and I don't know the reason yet.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard my phone ringing.


"Hello Nick, how are you. I haven't seen you in long time" Kate sigh, something in her voice tells me she isn't okay.

"What happened? " I asked

"N-nothing, so I wa-"

"Don't bullshit me, say what is it" I sternly ask her..

I heard her breathing getting harder and her voice crack as if trying to hold her tears but everything got confirmed when she spoke finally.

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