(18) Sciamachy

96 3 3

(n) A battle against imaginary enemies; fighting your shadow


Down the memory lane III~( this part can be traumatic for few people, read it on your own risk)


"Well well well, here I was thinking I will have fuck your unconscious body" That evil laugh echoed in the whole room followed by chilling cold water on Naomi's head.

Her body was so numb that this time she didnt even flinch only shivered while glaring at her capturer.

"Aww you still left with so much anger, here I thought two days of my teaching will be enough for you to learn your lesson" Xavier replied while walking slowly towards the table where naomi's body is tied up.

Her one knees up on the table and while one is hanging down, both are tied with a rope with the legs of the table. Both of her hands tied and being held high with the rope attached with the ceiling, not letting her chest and upper half of the body to rest on the table.

Xavier moved behind her naked body, bend over, placing his coverd croch on her bared ass. He moved towards her ear to whish per while his left hand palmed her left breast.

"You better start giving in to me woman, my patience is running and trust me it won't take me to throw you in the trash" He warned her with disgust.

It's been two days of rigorous torture but yet Naomi isn't budging from her ground.

The slaps, the beating, the humiliation and constant degrading and the brutal sex couldnt break her yet.

She was always a strong willed woman.

But her only weakness was-

"Nicholas wont take you back anymore, I will ruin you for him, and he won't even love you so why are you still holding onto the hope. Huh? " He bite her ears while tightly squeezing her left breast.

And that's when she whimper with pain, Pain which xavier mistaken as to physical pain.


A four letter word which hold so much power, even a dying man feels till his last breath... Hope that is still giving her will to fight and not give up.

Call her delusional but she still hopes that maybe Nicholas was angry, may be he is trying to find her. He should have believed her after what she did for her. She still cannot believe that Nicholas said those word  and threw her out like trash when he was the person who made her ex come and appologise.

She was lost on her self made delusional bubble when Xavier Grab her chin and squeez it with annoyance "You still thinking about him huh, although your defiance was a turn on before,it's not any more. So Quit it already!!" He roar at her and push her chin and turned away from her.

His agitation very clear from flaring nostrills. He pull his hairs and turned to her again. "Stop thinking about him, damnit!! He doesn't love you!! Why the fuck don't you understand it!!! What the fuck does he have, and I don't??? "

Naomi stayed silent. But even if she was given the chance she couldn't utter a single word, her busted lips and soar throat wouldnt have allowed her to speak.

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