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"Be careful, sis! I'll pick you up at 10:30-ish!" My brother (the college one) waves before driving off. I sigh and tried to put my jacket on, feeling too awkward wearing this dress and- WHERE'S THE JACKET?? I sigh in defeat remembering that I probably left it in my brothers car. Maybe I shouldn't go. But this is qi fangs party. But what does it matter if it's his party?? But like- why am I overthinking this?? I'm just going to my friends party. And it wouldn't hurt. I say all these things as I unconsciously turn around to run away- "y/n! You came!" I froze in sight hearing a cheerful and charming voice call. I hesitantly turn around with the most forced and painful smile I could conjure. "What's up with your face? You look like you're constipated." Qi fang jokes which just makes me flustered, covering my face. "Mh? Is that bag for me?~" Qi fang teases spotting the small shopping bag I had on my hand. "I- Yes! H-happy birthday..." I hand him the gift while looking away. "I bought you a comb. I know it's stupid. But seeing your hair in school everyday. I thought you were shit at taking care of your hair. But it seems I'm wrong..." I say, finally looking up to him. He stares back as we both observe each other. His hair style is different than his usual forehead reveal. And I don't think I've ever seen him in any outfit other than his jersey and school uniform. He looks... Snazzy. "Y-you look snazzy!" Fuck- WHY DID I SAY THAT- "Snazzy? You look snazzy yourself too! I love the new hairstyle you have!"

"My friend styled it for me for this occasion." I spat and he just pats my head. "Hey, by the way. You should go in already. You shouldn't ruin your pretty dress out here in the cold." Pretty?! "Sure, but how 'bout you?"

"Just waiting for Sun Jing to arrive."

Once when I entered the venue. It was even more fancy with unfamiliar faces that got me even more intimidated than earlier. "y/n!" I hear a familiar voice in which made me relieved. "Qin xiong!" I felt a little out of the box now seeing how casual he was. Since he was just wearing a shirt and jeans. "How you doing dude? Feel like I haven't talked to you in ever!" He holds his hand out for me to give it a high five. "Same here!" He takes my hand and drags me in a room with a few familiar people that I've met in the court before. Including the tall player from the tournament who was their class president. And also the upper class man who played in the tournament too. It seemed they were playing a board game and I joined in. Some waiters entering the room to place down orders. "y/n, you should go order something too."

"Oh, right!" The waiter approaches me as I started to order a long list. "Woah, the waiters been writing for 5 minutes now. How difficult is your order anyways?" One of the people asked. "Oh, I'm ordering myself a lot since I need to calm myself dow-"

"You're ordering a lot? You're gonna have to make me cost a lot for tonight." Qi fang says after smacking me in the head. "Hey birthday, boy don't forget my hair is just newly done...!" I say in a joking way when I spot him behind the chair I was sitting in. "Birthday boy, why won't you go join us for a game?" Qin xiong asked. "Sorry, guys, but I gotta entertain the other guest." He says before leaving off.


"Damn that looks like a full course meal!"

"Ah, thank you! I need this sooo much!" I say as the waiter places down the plates of food I ordered. I started to shiver from the low temperature of the room and a girl notices. "Why didn't you wear long sleeve? It's practically snowing outside." She asked while I took a bite of my order. "Oh well I didn't realize the temperature was gonna be as cold in here too." I say trying to laugh it off. "I'll be the gentleman in this situation then." A man beside him say as he hands me his hoodie. "Oh gee thank-"

"I'll give it to you later though since I don't want you to spill your food on my hoodie." I pouted from this, but understood his part. Now that I've gotten a proper look at him and the girl. "Wait. You guys are the players who played against second high!"

"We've been playing for an hour now and you just noticed?!"

"Hey wait so where's the leader?" The buzz cut male clicks his tongue in annoyance. "Leader? You mean that white hair dick? He just left a few minutes ago to go to the bathroom."

"He accidentally ate something spicy earlier so he's probably rushing to order some milk or something." The girl says.


"Thanks for the invite, birthday boy!" Some of his friends say as they wave him off. "Yeah, this party was great man. Too bad I barely seen you the whole time I was here." I say walking up to him. "Hey, did you win that hoodie from a bet or something?" He says noticing the hoodie I was wearing. "Mh? Oh, no. A south high student just let me borrow it earlier. He must've forgotten about it. So maybe I give it to him when I see him."

"South high? You mean the white hair goose?"

"Oh, no the guy with the buzz cu-"

"Him?! Dude's an asshole why would you?!-"

"He seemed nice to me. Do you have beef with south high too?~" I say snickering to him. "Never mind that. Look, I'm not gonna one up that douche so here." He says as he lays his coat over my head which surprises me.

Found out tan jiu can't continue tamen de gushi anymore cuz the government is at their ass for drawing girls being gay

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