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"Mmh... It taste different than what I was expecting, but it's still good."

"I know right? I thought the same-"

"Don't tell me Sun Jing and Qiu Tong are robbing of on the two of you?" Qin Xiong says holding cups of rice and food. This surprised the both of us. Seeing how were were still pretty close for someone who was feeding the other. It immediately made us back away from each other and awkwardly stayed quiet. Qin Xiong sighs and sits beside me, setting down the disposable containers on the table.


After that awkward fiasco. We went to some gift shops. "Oh my gosh! Qi fang, this bunny hat would look so cute on you!" I say tippy toeing to put the hat on him. "You should one too so that we can match." Qi fang says grinning at me. He grabs another hat and puts it onto me. The bunny hat had paws on them. When you press them the ears move. So we kept pressing the ears while facing each other and Qin Xiong was just starring. We notice this and Qi fang Immediately puts a bunny hat on him. He presses one paw while I pressed the other while we called Qin Xiong cute. A large hand was placed on Qin's should. It was the large upper class man we knew had an interest in Qin. "You look super cute." He says. "Oh! Xuezhang! You should one too to match with Qin!" I say handing Qin a hat. Xuezhang bends his head down for Qin to put the hat on him. This gives Qi fang an opportunity to drag me away from the two. "Lets go let those love birds be."


"Oh there you are dude- Oh. Aren't you one of my sisters friends?" y/n's brother says spotting Xuezhang with Qin Xiong. "Oh... Yes."

"Say, where is she anyways?" Qin Xiong got nervous all of a sudden. Remembering the story Qi fang and Sun Jing said when they met y/n. "I... Umm-"

"Oh! It's the theme park mascot! Let's take a picture with him, mop head!" My voice calls which catches all the three's attention. The three boys spot me and Qi fang happily taking a photo with a mascot and this caused for my brother to burst his bubble. "She's hanging out with him again?!" He started stomping his way to the two until Qin stops him. "Wait, please! I've known Qi fang since middle school! He's not a pervert trust me." He says trying to reassure my brother. He breathes which makes him calm down. "Fine, I trust you only 'cuz my friend trust you." He says before eyeing Xuezhang, then he walks off.


"Oh, I got a text from Qin Xiong." Qi fang peaks over my shoulder to check my text too. "He's gonna hang out with Xuezhang for a while."

"Cool, wanna go and play some games?" He says pointing the the prize booths.


"Wah! I need that thing! Let's win it!" I say dragging Qi to a booth that shoots bb guns. I've never done this before so I lost all 3 tries. "We have a perfect score!" The shop keep says. My eyes widen after spotting mop head shooting 3 bulls eyes. "Which one would you like, sire?"

"Which one do you want, y/n?" I froze being held on the spot. "I... Umm... That one." I say pointing to the stuffed animal from before.

"Where'd you learn how to aim that good?"

"I used to go to shooting classes a few years back."

"Never knew they allow minors-"

"Here, you are ma'am. Your boyfriend could put me out of business if you guys keep playing here."


"Huh?!" Both me and mop heads face went to a deep shade of red. The word Boyfriend. Continuing to echo through my mind. "W-we're not-"

"No need to explain sir. I was just messing with the two of you." She shop keep laughs.


We started walking through the middle of the prize booths. Nothing catches my eyes so we both stayed quiet. Still feeling awkward with the mistake the shopkeep made. "Sun Jing!" Qi fang suddenly says spotting the two. "Oh hey! Where's Qin Xiong?"

"With Xuezhang. What happened to your head?" I asked. "Oh? She got into a fight with someone who was being a perv to me." Qiu tong says. "Well that's the Sun Hing I know." Qi fang says, crossing his arms. "Mh? Did Qi fang win that prize for you? Saying that since I know you're bad at games." Sun Jing jokes sticking his tongue out. "As much as I wanna defend myself. Yes, he did win it for me."

"Well ain't that sweet? Well, we'll be off now!" Qiu tong says, dragging Sun Jing away. And then... The awkwardness came back. "So umm..."

"Wanna win some more prizes?" Qi fang says, still feeling as awkward as I am. I smiled to him which reassured him that we were cool. "Of course."


"Damn. That was a long day!" I say still carrying the stuffed animal from before. The sun was going to set soon and that's where everyone were starting to be called back. When we got back in the bus. Both Qin Xiong and Tattletale were in their seats. This panics both Qin and mop head so Qi fang throws the two stuffed animals he won for me to me to help cover my face and also put the cap from earlier onto me again. "Damn. Did Qi fang won all of those?" I nod once when I got everything out of my face. "Yep. Neat right?" He just laughs.


An hour passes and we passed to another gas station to have a short stop. I was kinda too tired to do anything so me and the others just stood onto lines to buy some shit.

When we got back in the bus. We opened up some food and talked for a while.

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