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"y/n?" I felt a tap on me shoulder. I look behind me to see my classmates boyfriend. Who's in the same class as Sun Hing and the others. "You sit next to my boyfriend in the bus right?" I nod. "Perfect. Is it cool if we switch seats for the rest of the day? I sit next to Qin Xiong so you're fine." I gleamed and happily nod.

"And that's how I got a seat in your bus." I say feeling all happy and such. "I'm surprised you didn't got caught. Especially since you we're carrying a bag and a fuck load of groceries with you." Qin xiong said taking a sip of his drink. "Hey how long do you think we'd be in the fair?"

"If we get there by 10am. Probably 5-6 hours." I spot qi fang walking which gave me a smile. He spots me which widens his eyes. "How'd you snatch a seat?" He says while sitting in the same row me and Qin were in. His seat mate was still not yet there. "I'll tell you later. But let me take a looksie in your bags." I say eyeing his bag of food, slightly salivating in the process. "Haha, no way. Unless you let me look at your bag." He says while putting his plastic bag on the empty seat beside him. I laugh as I kick mine to Qin Xiongs side. Qi fang laughs and he suddenly shuts his mouth spotting someone in the front of the bus. "Qin Xiong! Quick!" Mop head says as he grabs Qin's arm. He was confused for a sec until he spots who was at the front who was walking to the end of the bus. Qin doesn't say anything and just lofts me like I was weightless and puts me on the seat he sat on earlier. Qi fang rummages in his bag and then immediately puts a cap on me. I was so confused taking a peak to see no teacher that was approaching the back. "What are you guys- mh!" Qin pushes my back to stick on the back rest of the chair and tries to make himself big in front of while facing the hallway of the bus. Qi fang stands up to let a student sit beside him. "What are you guys doing?" I whisper to Qin. "Qi fangs seat mate is cool, but he occasionally snitches. So it would be safe if you just lay low." I sigh. I peak my head over Qin's back spotting who Qi was sitting next to. Qi fang who was smiling while talking to the spectacled male. Who was clearly not in the mood. "Is he the tattletale you guys talk about?" I asked and he nods. "Anyways. Want some?" He asked showing me a snack he has.


"Wait, why's the line not yet moving?" Qin asked seeing the people who rode the ride earlier walking past us. "Apparently, tattletale threw up while in the ride so the workers are cleaning it." Qi fang says while snickering. When he spot's tattletale's poor face, his expressions changes. "You guys still want to ride though?"

"Absolutely not." Qin xiong says. "C'mon mom! Wouldn't hurt to." Qi fang says wrapping his arm around his shoulders. "Nah, I'll wait for you guys. I'm fine staying here."

"Suit yourself."


Qi fang smiles after getting locked in to the ride while I was beside him. I look down to my dangling a little skeptical. "Why so quiet, y/n?-"

"I quit! I quit! I don't wanna be in this ride anymor-"

"y/n." My eyes widen when I felt the gentle feeling on my hand. I turn to Qi fang who was giving me a gentle, reassuring smile. "I'm here with you. I'll keep you safe." I ignored the tear dropping on my cheek. I tightened my grip on qi fangs hand and smiled back. "Thanks..."

As the ride started to raise us up. I felt anxious while squeezing Qi fangs hand. When we were in the middle of us being swung. That's where I started to have fun. I laughed and screamed some woohoo's a couple of times. Not letting go of Qi fangs hand. I didn't even realized he stared at me for a couple of minutes. Until I catch his stare and smiled at him, finally embracing a fear I had for a while.


"Woo! That was fun!"

"Let's go to a ride I want to go this time." Qin Xiong says dragging the two of us. "Bumper cars? Oh my gosh! Hell yes!" I say running up to the line.


We continued to go to a few rides which drained us out. Not even realizing it was already past lunch. "No wonder why I'm so hungry. It's already 1pm." Qi fang says while rubbing his tummy. "Where should we eat?"

"Doesn't matter where. We gotta know which one's good." Qin Xiong says. He turns around to face the both of us with a serious look thats more serious than usual. "I'll get some ride, you get some snacks and y/n gets the drinks." He says and we all just agreed to it, telling each other what kind of shit we want. This is weird, but Qin knows what he's doing.


"Where's Qin?" I asked after spotting Qi fang sitting in a half empty table. "He's in that store over there." He points to where Qin is waiting for his orders. "I also bought some popsicles. Want some?"

"Don't mind if I do."

"Oh, I know those! Thats from that stand with the really long line! How'd you buy it so fast?"

"I charmed my way through the front of the line." He says while winking at me. I was stunned for a moment, but immediately shook it off. "Can I have a try?"

"Sure." He takes a stick and stabs the finger food and motions it to my mouth. I was surprised by what he was doing, but shook it off.

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