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"Oh hey Qi fang! Didn't know you didn't had an umbrella." Qi fang pushes the umbrella upwards since it was too short for him to get in. "Mind if I join you?" He asked. y/n smiles. "Sure why not? Where are you going?"

"I thought he was calling us..."

"Yeah me too..."

"The subway." He answered. "That's great then 'cuz I'm going there too."

"I wasn't able to find a cab so yeah..." y/n just nods. Soon then y/n's eyes widen and points to where Qi was before. Qi fang looks over to see Qin Xiong with a slight blush while an upperclassmen puts his arm around his shoulder. "Did something happen that I don't know?" Qi fang snaps his fingers. "That guy gave him an umbrella for his birthday and it said 'I like you'" I cover my mouth trying to cover my smile. "That is so cute." I try to stop myself from giggling. Qi fang looks at me for a moment while I was holding my laughter. I was too caught by those two love birds that I didn't even notice his stare.


We arrived at the subway and were able to get in the train on time. I hold on a nearby pole and try to look for a seat. "Hey there's two seats over there." He taps my shoulder and points to where the seats are. The train started to move. Qi fang fell on a middle aged woman's lap. I stuffle a laugh and looked away. "Are you trying to seduce me?"

"No! Definitely not!! I'm sorry!!!"


We were able to sit at the seats and waited until our stops were here. I stood up and same with Qi fang. "This is your stop too?" He nods.

As we both walked together out of the train station, my eyes dart to the direction to where a familiar song was playing. There we spot a convenience store advertising a limited edition product. I didn't notice qi-fang staring too. We both looked at each other reading both our gazes.

"You know what-"

"The sale is all about?!"

We both say in unison.


As we entered the convenience store, we saw a long line as people were buying the same product. I immediately dashed to the crowded aisle instinctively grabbing mop heads wrist. "Oh my gosh! I forgot this was releasing in stores today! Here, I'll grab another one for you." I gleamed. "Heh, it's okay, I actually have that version back home already." My expression changed in shock. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"You never told me you were into this stuff!-"

"Touché..." I say giving him a smug look while rubbing my chin with my pointer finger.

"Since we're here, let's grab something warm to eat on our way to the cashier." He says leaving me in the line by myself. "Sure, gimmie something I'm into."

"On it."

We decided to sit outside the convenience store since the rain started to calm down. Letting out hot drink and meal cool down. "Meow." We both heard, noticing a cat approaching qi. They didn't seem hungry as they were just looking for affection. "Aww..." Qi says, moving his chair back to pet the cat properly. "y/n, take a pic of me in this pose." He says as I grabbed my phone and did as he says. He brings the cat to his lap as he grabs their paws and smiled to my phone making the cat wave at me. "Aww...!" I take more pictures in the heat of the moment.

The cat decided to sit on our table as we continued to have a snack. After sending the photos to qi we gave a last pet to the cat and we soon left.

"Never knew you're an animal lover qi."

"I had a few pets when I was a kid."

"Do you have pics?"

"Oh, hell yeah. Here." He bents down a little to show me photos of younger him with exotic animals. "Damn, dude look at how cool they are! And you look so cute when you were so tiny." I say in a coddling tone. "Bet I was taller than you." He laughs which I just playfully hit him.


"y/n!" Sun Jing runs up to me then gives me the most energetic hand shake ever with the happiest smile I've ever seen her with. "W-what's wrong with her?!"

"Youth." Qi fang says while drinking a small carton of milk.


It was dismissal time and when I went to where we the students park their bikes I saw Qi fang, Qin Xiong and the rest of their friends. "Where's sun jing?"

"She's got a date with qui tong." Qin Xiong says. "Hey y/n? Why's Qi fang so popular with the girls?" He asked. "What? Umm... Well... Uh..." Pink hue was tinted my cheeks. "He's... Good looking?" Why am I stuttering?! I look over at Qi fang seeing him choke on his water bottle. "How about me y/n?" I look at him with wide eyes. "I already like someone Qin Xiong." I heard Qi fang choke on his drink again. "What the hell?! You and sun Jing are the same! Do you guys share the same brain cells?!" I stiffle a laugh. "I didn't mean it like that!"

"Oh sorry, I just thought! But I guess you're pretty handsome..." I heard Qi fang choke on his drink again. He's drinking a lot of water... "But I think at a time like this, only men would like you 'cuz you look intimidating. Girls might start finding you attractive when you're on your middle 20's" his face looks like he's been stabbed in the heart. "A-ah! Thats a bad thing!" I try to reassure him. "I mean I find you attractive!" I smile at him. "Really?" He smiles at me then it drops quickly with guilt. "I'm sorry y/n... But I don't like you the same way."

"Idiot! I was just trying to make you feel better!" I smack his side and he laughs.

We started to ride our way to our homes. We passed the bus station where sun Jing and qui tong were. We started to whistle when they saw the two cuddling from the cold. "Stop whistling!"


"Oh I forgot to bring the papers here. y/n! Could you be a dear and bring them back?"

"Where is it?"

"My desk is at the 3rd floor faculty room in the senior high building."

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