Author's Note

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Welcome to my newest story, A Different Slice!

Like all of my stories, there will be little adventures, this time around central Canada, characters connecting over delicious food, along with a few secrets and of course drama.

I hope you enjoy Naomi and Kieran's story!

Please note, this book is rated now mature as late in the book one character experiences some suicidal ideation (but it is short and there is no attempt). Otherwise, the heat level in the book is PG-13.


A quick note on the asexuality and topics in the book:

While the story has asexual characters, I hope it can be enjoyed by people from within and outside of the community. It's a love story full of chemistry, some laughs, drama, a big secret, and healthy boundaries and communication. If you're looking for a steamy story, it's not the right place for that. 

The romance meanders as Naomi explores her comfort level within relationships and the romantic parts aren't always perfect since I tend to write flawed characters. If you're looking for more of a clearcut friends-to-romance story featuring asexual characters that goes no further than kissing, my novella 'Complete Without You' is probably a better fit (and it'll take you travelling around Australia). 

Asexuality isn't something that's widely represented or understood at least in my experience. It took me a while to understand it better, and I'm a member of the community (and still find questions). I do my best to represent what I know and have learned accurately, but keep in mind that asexuality is a spectrum, and one ace person's experience may be completely different from another's including their comfort level. Naomi and other characters will share more with you throughout the book. If you feel something is being misrepresented, please reach out, and I'll address it. 

For any readers who are asexual or looking for a cleaner romance, the story will not have any sex scenes. There will be kissing, and possibly one intimate scene much later in the book that goes beyond that, and has some intensity where Naomi is exploring her boundaries within a consensual relationship. I'll put a warning on that chapter for anyone who may want to skip it. The book discusses sex and Naomi's comfort levels and past at various moments but nothing graphic. I wanted to explore the dynamics of an adult asexual/allosexual couple so it navigates that territory.

Ace story recommendations:

Here are some stories with asexual protagonists that I've enjoyed/am currently reading

- Mask of Celibacy by Carolyn Hill. There are two versions of this story, the multimedia version and the later version that won a Watty. Thank you Carolyn for sharing Jess's story as she discovers asexuality while navigating high school and connects with a very knowledgeable friend online throughout her journey. There is a sequel Holding All the Aces that will take you to Germany as Jess teaches abroad which is also a fun read.

Until I read her series, I hadn't considered writing a character who experienced romance and relationships the way I did, but seeing her work out there and being able to relate to it so much really inspired me to dive into this. It's done wonders for my self-acceptance, so a huge thank you, Carolyn.

The Brightest Stars in a Constellation by Ganbaruby shares the lives of Evan and Peter who despite attending the same high school are significantly different, yet they build a strong connection despite it unlike what Evan is able to have with others. 

- Starfall by Birdpaw. Love the world-building and strong cast of characters in this compelling space-based sci-fi series. The series includes an aro/ace main character.   

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