Out of the Dark:

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Chapter unofficially sponsored by Goldfish, your childhood snack you still eat in your room when no ones around.


My cheeks heated up. I was exposed.

Lord Elrond bowed before me, "Welcome, Lost Queen of the Noldor. It has been long since Fëanorian blood has graced our Valley."

Two twins also dropped to their knee along with Legolas.

"It is an honor," Elladan lowered his head.

"Please rise," I said anxiously. "I am sorry. I believe you have me confused with someone else."

"No, You are the lost daughter of Caranthir. The last feanorian left on Arda," Elladan said. 

The four males in front of me stood up but kept their eyes down. I then realized the blanket had slipped dangerously low off my bare shoulder. I pulled it back up and blushed.

Elrohir was the first to speak, "I would suggest lying down again. Your stitches may begin to pain you."

I did notice the growing throb in my side, "Thank you. For your help."

Elrond smiled, "Any relative of Maglor is welcome in my home."

Ellrohir gave me another dose of painkiller diluted in a strong tea. Despite the bitter taste the warm drink was comforting.

Legolas didn't say anything while I sipped my tea. He just sat in the corner of the room while deep in his thoughts. I knew what he was thinking.

I'm a murderer. The blood of his ancestors' killers runs in my veins. (Feanor and the Teleri ship burning/Kinslaying) I deserve to be put to death for what they did. Their blame is on me.

Elrond was the only one not giving me odd glances. He wore a soft smile whenever he looked in my direction.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly. "For what they, he, did. I know what you all must think of me."

"I will have none of that in my valley. You are not to blame for your family's errors. It is simply a shock to all of us. We weren't aware Caranthir had a wife nor a child."

"Ada hid us. Away from Feanor and the others. He was worried we would be hurt if his father's house was attacked. Amme lived with me in her parent's home and Ada would come to stay with us whenever he could. I was told he would lie and say he was hunting but would come see us."

"You never knew your father's brothers?" Elladan asked me.

"No. My father would sometimes bring my uncles Amrod and Amras to see us. They would bring me all sorts of things from their scavenges and adventures."

"The bracelet?" Elladan asked.

"My Ada made it for me. He said it would keep away the wolves."


"Yes, When I was a child I would have horrible night terrors about wolves. When my ada was with us he would sleep in my bed with me and always said the dreams went away because he fought the wolves off."

Elrond chuckled, "There was a side to Caranthir the Dark that no one knew."

"I know what my father did was wrong but he was a good ellon. He never, ever, disrespected my mother or me. I know he loved us both," My eyes began to drip tears at the memories. "I'm sorry." 

"Don't apologize. Say as much as you need."

"He was a good father while I had him. We used to play in the river, go on walks in the forest with my mother which always resulted in a game of hide and seek, he also used to pick flowers and braid them into our hair. Little things like that are what I miss about him the most," I looked over to see Legolas staring intently at me. However, I don't think he was staring at me, his eyes were dark with his face emotionless. I frowned.

The sindar left without a word to me. I understood, he needed time to think things through. Elrond and his sons left to let me rest. After lying half-dead on a forest floor in inches of mud and soaked through to the bone the bed felt splendid. I snuggled down into the soft mattress and pulled the blanket over my head. For the first time in centuries, I fell asleep with my soul at peace.

Elrohir woke me up the next morning. By the time my eyes were open the maids were bringing lunch in.

"I slept amazing," I yawned.

He smiled, "I am glad to hear that. Do not be surprised if you feel a little lazy. The medicine is supposed to calm you." 

I nodded and took the cup he offered me, "Is Legolas?"

"He will get past this. Twas a shock, is all."

I drank my tea and ate the toast with jam I was given. Elrohir called one of the female healers to help me bathe and dress myself.

"There you go my lady. You look lovely," She smiled as she tied the laces on the dress I was given.

I smiled at my reflection. Lord Elrond had gifted me a lovely, pale blue, silk dress. The sleeves dropped almost to the floor.

"It's beautiful," I smiled.

"Be careful!" She chuckled.

I thanked her before Elrohir carried me back into the room I was staying in.

"My father would like for you to join us in our house. You are family to us," He said.

"Oh, I do not think I should. I would be imposing."

"No no. We insist. My sister is thrilled at the idea of having another girl."

"If you're certain," I hesitated.

"I am," Elrohir smiled.

Elrohir carried me over the bridge to the largest house in Rivendell. Two figures stood at the top of the stairs. Elrond and a young elleth with dark hair. She looked exhilarated.

"Oh this is so exciting! I've been dying for a friend!" She giggled and ran towards us.

"Arwen, be careful. She's been wounded." Elrond reprimanded gently.

"I'm fine," I smiled and extended my hand to her, "It's so lovely to meet you Arwen."

She led us through the large halls. Elrond opened the doors to a large room. I had never seen anything so beautiful. A large bed sat against the wall with soft blankets. The one wall was completely open which allowed viewing of the gardens. I noticed there was a platform with stairs leading down to the grass. My heart soared with the idea of being able to run out there one day.

Elrohir carefully put me down on the bed, "I think you will enjoy it in here."

"Thank you," I replied.

Elrond nodded to me, "It is my honor to harbor the Queen of my mothers people."

I tensed, 'If you please, I am asking you to forsake the notion that I am some form of ruler. I am a simple elf from the woods."

Elrohir looked at Elrond. Something passed between the two of them. An understanding.

"You should rest a while. When you're ready I greatly desire to speak with you," Elrond smiled before walking out.

Arwen sat beside me, "Do you mind if I stay?"

"Not at all," I leaned back against the pillows.

"When Elrohir told me what had happened to you my heart nearly shattered."

Arwen left me to rest. I slept away the afternoon before Elrond gave me my next dose of medicine. 

Legolas didn't appear. 

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