The Time Is Right:

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          Two days later I stood on the log bridge overlooking the river that divided the dunedain village from the road. The stars reflected on the dark water. I stared at the sparkles of light. Tears ran down my cheeks as the visions flashed through my mind. My fathers voice, my mother's my family in lorien's all flew through me. The nausea made my stomach turn as I stared into the water.

"Ah there she is."

I turned to see Legolas walking towards me, "Hey you."

"Thinking again?"

I felt my throat tighten while I stared at the dark water.


I shrugged, "There's a lot going on. I'm fine. I am more worried about you."

"Do not worry about me. I'm not the one hiding."

I stared at him, "You think I'm hiding?"

"Yes. You're hiding from yourself! You're hiding from your feelings. You're hiding from me."

"I am not hiding Legolas."

"But you are." He said calmly. "Lillian. Do you trust me?"

"Yes of course."

"Then tell me what's wrong. I'm here for you. I love you."

"It's complicated. I can't, I can't explain it," I gripped the wooden rail.

"How are we supposed to build a marriage if one won't trust the other?"

"I do trust you Legolas! I just don't understand how to express what's happening inside me alright?"

"Sometimes there's other ways to convey feelings," Legolas opened his arms to me. 

"I guess it's my turn," I whispered as the tears ran freely. Legolas hugged me to him and rubbed my back.

"I can't do this."

"You can do this. We can do this," he said quietly. "Don't shut me out. I'm strong. Let me be your strength please. Lillian, let me help you."

"It's not fair to you."

"Let me decide that. I love you."

I nodded as he pressed his lips to my forehead. I felt Legolas pass some of his strength to me. The glow filled my veins and warmed me from the inside out. It was soft and comforting to feel his presence run through me. I sighed and melted into him.

"That's my girl," He kissed the top of my head.

I brushed the tears away and for the first time, in a long time, genuinely smiled. "Hannon le," I leaned up and kissed him.

"You'll always have me. I'm not letting you go," Legolas kissed me back.

"Legolas, what if, what if one us doesn't make it?" I frowned when the coolness of grief came over me. I knew he had the same thoughts.

"We will make it," He smiled. "I'll protect us. Trust me. I'll save us."

"I trust you," I found my smile once more. "I can't wait to be your wife."

"I can't wait," The prince brushed a strand of hair from my face. "Let's get married. Now."

"What? Legolas are you mad?"

"Yes. I am madly in love with you. Please Lillian. The time is right. I feel it."

"But your father," I started.

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