Gathering Storms:

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I'm super excited because the next fanfic I am going to write will actually tie to this one! But how is for me to know and y'all to find out later... ;D

Song above is awesome :)


1 Peter 2:9- "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, his own special people. That you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness and into his marvelous light."



The thunder overhead shook the walls of the cabin as I stared at the parchment before me. How was I going to address my father for the first time in months? It had been almost four months since I had reached out to him. For all I know he could think I am dead. I felt tears in the corners of my eyes when I recalled the pain of the last centuries. Why should I try to connect with him when he made no efforts to connect with me? I wasn't his son. I was just another captain for him to command. After my mother died he pushed me away and locked himself inside his own, cold, prison of despair. I grieved on my own and threw myself into whatever I could to keep my mind off my parents. The army. My veins still burned at how my father had belittled my skill even though I could lead our troops as well as he could.

Hail Thranduil,

I began my letter. My hand began to shake and I dropped the quill. I buried my face in my hands and cried quietly. I felt someone put their arm around my shoulders and guide me away from the table. They sat me on the edge of a bed and held me tight. When I had calmed down I looked up to see Elrohir sitting next to me. He squeezed my shoulder. Elrohir reached behind me and cupped the back of my head. He pressed his forehead against mine and hugged me.

"This pain is not just yours to bare, brother."

I smiled at him and nodded.

"There's no shame in tears Legolas. You've been through a lot. We all have."

"I don't want Lillian seeing me like this," I whispered.

"Too late," came a girls voice. Lillian rushed to my side and wrapped her arms around me. I buried my face in her neck and relaxed against her. The dam broke and all the emotion I had bottling up came to the surface. Lillian and Elrohir, sat with me. I felt like an idiot but the tears wouldn't stop. Once I calmed down enough Lillian led me to our room.

She sat down on my bed and patted the spot beside her, "Come."

I sat down and looked at the floor.

"Legolas look at me."

I gave her a side glance.

She gently pulled me so I was facing her. "Look at me."

I stared into her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Good boy."

I chuckled, "I am not a puppy." 

"I might call you puppy now. How does that sound my cute little puppy?"

I blushed and rolled my eyes. "I would be lying if I said I enjoyed it but, you have such a spell on me I suppose I will answer to whatever you call me."

She kissed my cheek, "What are you going to do about your father?"

I leaned into her and sighed, "I do not know. There is haze in front of me and I cannot see any way around it."

"Then maybe you're supposed to go through it."

"Perhaps," I stroked her arm. "Why don't we just run away?"

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