Bad Blood:

378 9 37

This chapter brought to by 3$ LOTR ROTK LIMITED EDITION DVD I FOUND AT THE THRIFT SHOP! It has both the extended and theatrical editions! Pics on my instagram.

If y'all want to see me blind react to Pirates of the Caribbean for the first time check my insta highlight marked POTC on my profile. 

Also, currently writing this on friday night. Another reason to follow my instagram is because every so often friday night is vibes w/ Eri night.  I post fun music on my story and y'all can vibe with me! 


Ephesians 4: 26- In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your anger.


I reached back and grabbed another arrow. In a swift motion I scored another perfect shot.

"Taking it out on the poor target I see." A voice said.

I let another arrow fly.

"To leave a fire burning can cause disaster," Elrond stated.

This wasn't about fire.

"What fire?" I asked without even turning towards him.

"The fire that burns in your being. The angry light that pours from your gaze."

"I may be a little irked."

"A little? You flee your homelands, rescue an elleth with a shaded past, then leave her on her own."


"I would advise you to control your tongue," The elf lord stated not so gently.

"Forgive me. I fear I have lost my way."

He put a hand on my shoulder, "Come."

I walked along with him under the canopies of tree leaves.

"How is your father? It has been long since I have heard from him."

"He's the same."

"And that's what has you upset?"

Why was Elrond so good at reading people? "Yes. he refuses to change."

"Give your father time, Legolas. He is grieving."

"It has been centuries."

"Some need more time. He suffered a terrible loss."

I paused, "Our forests are constantly being assailed. I offer him counsel based on my knowledge of the situation and he ignores it."

Elrond stared off into the distance, "It has begun again."

My body shivered. "What has begun?"

"It is not by chance that you have come to my valley. I may have a new purpose for you."

"Alright. What do you wish for me?" I said while trying to sound as submissive as possible.

"You will find out soon enough. For now, enjoy your time of carefree joy. Legolas, choose your allies carefully."

His words echoed in the back of my mind. "Choose your allies carefully."

"In time, all the needs to, will come to light."

I nodded, "I suppose you are going to ask about Lillian next?"

"I wasn't aware you had mind-reading abilities."

I shrugged stiffly.

"Why do you hate her?" He asked.

"I don't."

"But you do."

"I don't hate her," I stated as I turned and walked away. Elrond didn't call after me.

     I found myself wandering through the dense woods of Rivendell. After finding a large maple tree I grabbed onto the lowest branch and pulled myself up onto it. With my back resting against the trees trunk I closed my eyes and focused on the sounds of the woods. 

~Time skip brought to you by kit-kats~

One week later I did up the claps on my silver tunic. Why Lord Elrond saw the need to throw a welcoming feast for a Feanorian was beyond me. However, seeing as I was a prince my presence was required. I was glad Lillian was well again. I hated seeing any creature in distress.  

Surprisingly the feast was peaceful. No one came against Lillian for her past. The elves embraced her and it bothered me. Did they not remember it was her family that wiped out my descendents? Her cousin forged the one ring. The tool Sauron could use to destroy us!

Lord Elrond stood, "I would like to make a declaration."

Everyone quieted.

"I know we have all been in a state of shock, finding a Feanorian among us once more. I would like to formally welcome Lillian Caranthiriel to our valley. Any relative of Maglors is welcome in our presence," Elrond helped Lillian to her feet. "Welcome, Queen of The Noldor."

Everyone around me bowed their heads to her. I nodded before leaving the room. 


I watched as he got up and walked out. What was his problem? I excused myself and followed after him. Legolas was leaning on the stone railing of a balcony when I caught up to him.

"What is your problem?" I asked.

He stiffened but didn't acknowledge me. My blood began to heat up.

"Do you honestly believe that because I'm a feanorian I don't deserve to be accepted?" I heard myself ask.

"Do you think it is easy for everyone to accept you?" He said quietly.

" Do you even know how it feels?" My voice cracked. "To have others figure out who you are and then shame you for it? To have a name everyone dislikes and makes their distaste known."

Legolas didn't reply.

"I know you blame me for what they did."

"Does their blood not flow in you? Does your father spirit not inhabit your being?!" He asked.

"Yes but I did not ask for it!" Angry tears dripped from my eyes. "I wish more than anything I could have stopped what they did. Instead, I must live with the guilt."

Legolas's face softened. I was in tears. 

"What is going on?" Elrond ran out onto the balcony.

The world began to spin. I felt myself fall and land in someones arms. Elrohir held me up with one arm.

"Legolas, what is the meaning of this?"

The sindar looked ashamed.

"It's my fault," I said. "I think I started it."

"No. It was me."

Elrohir scooped me up in his arms and sat me on a bench.

"I'm fine Elrohir. I just got a little worked up."

Elrond was saying something to Legolas who stood a few feet away with his head hung.

I stood up and walked over to him, "Legolas I'm sorry."

"It is I who needs to apologize. I am sorry for my rudeness."

"I understand."

"You shouldn't need to. I was disrespectful and let my unneeded hate affect my view of my friend," he smiled.

"You're forgiven mellon," I smiled back.

We nodded to each other.

"No bad blood?" He asked.

"No. Only the blamed that flows in my veins." 


That was not nearly as dramatic as I wanted it to be lol....

Sorry for the short update. I think the next chapter will make up for it though.

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