A Land of Old:

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The song above reminds me of the Dunedain. :)



Three days later we found ourselves standing on a ridge looking down at the lands before us. Homes built out of wood and stone dotted the forest floor.

"Welcome to the North Downs," Beradhir stated. "The land of the heirs of Numenor."

The five of us made our way down a steep dirt path that led to bottom of the ravine. Two dogs ran to greet us but retreated when a scraggly looking man whistled. People with sullen faces stared at us as we trotted by. I noticed the man to woman ratio was very unequal. Lillian looked over at me and frowned. I nodded to her as we approached a large structure.

" L'ovannen!" Elladan called out. We all looked to see a familiar face.

"My brother's! You haven't any idea how much I have longed to see you again!" Aragorn ran over to us.

We dismounted and gave our horses' leads to a couple of younger men. They led our mounts away.

"Legolas," Aragorn embraced me.

"It is good to see you my friend," I put a hand on his shoulder. After stepping aside I extended my arm towards Lillian. "If I may introduce Lady Lillian Caranthiriel."

"It is lovely to meet you," Lillian nodded her head.

Aragorn bowed to her, "Lady Noldorian. Tis an honor."

"Please, do not bow to me."

Aragorn embraced his half-brother's before leading us away from the gathering group of dunedain. 

Lillian and I were given our packs and escorted along with the twins to a clearing not to far from the meeting house. A cabin made of logs stood between the edge of the forest and the rest of the encampment. A thick piece of cloth was over the doorway and two windows had been cut into the walls beside it. Both windows also had cloth over them.

"Please. Make yourselves at home. I must return to my meeting but will come to see you as soon as possible," Aragorn motioned to the doorway. We all nodded to him. Aragorn jogged back down the grassy path.

The cabin was almost perfectly square except for a little side room. A pillar was set up in the middle to support the roof. Two beds were shoved in the farthest corner and another was set up a few feet away. A stone fireplace we against the right wall. Elrohir investigated the small room to the side.

"Lillian should have it," he said. "I don't think it would be proper for a lady to sleep in the same room with three males."

We all agreed to give the small bedroom to Lillian. I think she was grateful. I threw my stuff on the bed beside the doorway to Lilli's room and sat down.

Elladan flopped down on his bed and reclined against the wall, "Well. We made it."

"Safe and sound. Thank the Valar," I added.

Lillian joined us and sat cross legged on the floor. She looked rather exhausted. We all sat in silence, each turning over our own thoughts. When Lillian pulled her knees up and rested her chin between them both Elladan and I looked over. I noticed how he watched her with concern. My veins heated when I saw the soft look he cast her way. Lillian caught my glance and blushed as she looked away. I cocked my head slightly and chuckled to myself. She kept looking away as we sat still. Every so often I would catch her glancing in my direction but she would turn her head and pretend to be observing the walls around us. I felt like a young elfling who just discovered his first crush. The next time she looked over in my direction I shuffled over so there was space for her on the bed. Just as she stood up Aragorn walked in and closed the curtain behind him.

The Lost One: Legolas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now