A Time Of Peace:

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Prepare for fangirl worthy content. The song above sets the mood! :)


The days that followed were happy ones. The enemy had not assailed us once over the course of two weeks. Some thought they had surrendered while others thought it was suspicious. As for me, I chose to enjoy the days of peace. Legolas was working alongside the twins and Aragorn to whip the remaining parts of the Dunedain guard into shape. I was helping Tulie reach out to the other widows and help them with their children. I still rested as Elrohir commanded. The little trip down the river had weakened me partly but I was gaining strength quickly.

"Lilli?" Someone whispered in my ear. My eyes blinked open to see the familiar log ceilings of the cabin. Legolas was sitting up on his bed. I opened my blanket for him. He climbed into my bed and pulled me against him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and cuddled into his chest. Legolas held the back of my head with one hand and wrapped his other arm around my waist. We both shared in the moments of warmth. I stroked the back of Legolas's head as he slept soundly. A smile crept up as I thought about how this would be an everyday event once we married.

"I can guess what you're thinking about," Legolas smiled with his eyes still closed.


"Mhmm," He chuckled lightly. "I hope it happens soon."

"Me too. I wish the time was right."

"We could get married today if we wanted too," Legolas smirked. "We could get married this second."

"Without your father? What would he say?" 

"I do not care what my father thinks of us," Legolas frowned. "It's time I pushed him back for once." He was propped up on one muscled arm.

"Legolas," I said.

"I'm sorry darling," He settled down next to me again. "For now let's just have it be us."

"I like the sound of that."

The Prince kissed my ear, "As do I. Just the two of us in our own little world."

"Legolas? We've never actually talked about it. In fact I feel like we have talked about everything but this. How do you feel about."

"About what?"

"Children," I said quietly. I grimaced at his silence.

Legolas was silent for a few moments, "If that is what you want."

"You don't want children?"

"No no, I want children. Lot's of them. I'm just nervous," he laughed. "I haven't really thought much about it."

"You're going to be a great father."

"I hope so," He said with a sound of distant memory in his tone. 

After lounging around for half the morning we dragged ourselves out of the cabin. I decided to wear a dress that day which was lovely in the warm weather. Legolas and I found our friends in Aragorn's cabin once more.

"Good morning love birds," Elrohir teased as we walked in.

Aragorn raised his mug to us.

"Lilli darling do be sure to tell our dear Arwen Aragorn is a regular goblin in the morning," Legolas joked.

"Shut up Greenleaf," Aragorn chuckled.

Elladan sat pouring over some map while Elrohir and Legolas shone their weapons. Aragorn and I sat at the table sipping tea.

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