Chapter 2

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Monday morning. 


 It felt so different. So alien. I'd become so used to waking up at six thirty in the morning to start training and then returning to my dorm at nine in the evening. I was standing in front of the building I would be spending hell in. Students loitered in the foyer. Laughing. Joking. Having fun. Back home I'd only ever had one friend, whom mysteriously disappeared one day.

Shiny new cars were parked in the parking lot, only leaving one or two free spaces. The building looked shabby. The walls were brick. The windows were caked in dirt. The double doors groaned when I pushed them open. The inside wasn't much better than the outside was. The corridor smelled of rotten eggs. Litter lined the floor and the majority of the lockers had dents in them.

"Awful excuse for a high school, isn't it?" a sweet voice asked me.

I spun on the spot, ready to attack. The girl in front of me was small. She had blonde hair, pulled into pig tails which made her look even younger. Her round chubby face reminded me of a five year old. She had brown eyes and plump lips. Her grey jumper was identical to mine. The blue jeans she wore contrasted to her pink high heels. She looked like a living extravaganza.

I suddenly felt self-conscious as her eyes scanned my body. I was thin - not anorexic, but not normal. I had curves, sure, and I was pretty sure my breasts were standard size. I was wearing faded black jeans and my black combat boots that had both silver knives safely tucked away.

"I don't know... I'd always imagined high school as something... better...," I trailed off, her face contorting to that of surprise.

"You're a freshman?" I had no idea what the term meant so I just stared at her.

She rephrased, "it's your first year?"

"Yes, my first year at high school, but I'm in my last academic year. I was... home schooled before." It was sort of the truth, at the institute they taught us the basics; we mostly trained.

"Oh! Well come on then!" she clapped her hands together and I became wary. The girl led me down numerous corridors that all looked the same to me.

Eventually, we reached a door that read 'Office' only the 'i' was missing.

"Wait here," she told me.

So I did. I pulled my vampire detector from my hair and watched it intently. I needed to make sure there were no threats to me or anyone else in Morristine. I was about to put it away when it started to vibrate. That meant that there was one near. I narrowed my eyes and looked up. I looked left: no one there. Then I looked right and my heart stopped. At the end of the hallway was a figure. 

He was staring back at me. 

It was the guy who had saved me yesterday.

I was torn away from a glaring contest with him, when the girl who told me to wait outside walked into view.

"Here! I got your schedule. I love your name, by the way. I forgot to tell you mine! How silly of me! I'm Anna!" she gushed. She was way too happy and carefree for me. I turned to face her and faked a smile.

"Thank you."

Anna beamed at me in reply. Then she noticed the guy staring at me. "That's Isaac. Why's he staring at you like that? He never stares at anyone."

Of course. Vampires didn't like human company. I shrugged in reply to Anna.

"Okaaay. Well you have history first," she chuckled "Good luck."

I nodded. Then, without glancing up, I turned, walked down the corridor and made sure that I bumped into the figure I now knew as Isaac.


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