Chapter 5:

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I opened my mouth, then closed it again. This went on for quite some time until he decided to speak.

"I've missed you." His words were barely audible over the pounding in my ears. My body felt torn and worn. I was emotionally exhausted. But, still, I snapped.

"You've missed me?" I asked, incredulous. "That's rich, coming from you. I mean, you're the one that left one day without leaving so much as a note! You left! You left me alone! How could you?"

He looked shocked, he stumbled over his next words. "What? I- no but I- what? I left a note! I swear I did!" His eyes held honesty and, deep down, regret?

I laughed dryly. "Sure you did."

"I swear I did, I even told you to meet me so I could explain!"

Now I was shocked, but I quickly covered it up. "I'm here now, explain," I demanded.

"Not here," he replied, looking around.

"Where then?" I asked getting a little impatient.

"Pack house," he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled my along through the woods.

After half an hour of stumbling through the secluded woods, we came to an even more secluded clearing. Wild flowers and small streams decorated the clearing. Beyond them was a big house. And I mean big. It was mainly glass, it was like a gigantic lit up glass box. Of course, there was some lovely spruce wood to keep the structure up right. There were also people loitering everywhere. Toddlers laughing, adults talking and teenagers revising.

Jack and I stood in, what I assumed, was his room. A bookcase took up the left side of the room, filled with numerous novels. A desk and a bed were situated in the middle of the room and there was a white loveseat that faced out towards the window. I sat down, as did he, waiting for him to begin.

He took a deep breath, a bigger one than was necessary.

"Don't freak," He pleaded "I'm a werewolf," he held his hand up when I was about to talk "Let me finish. Okay, so I didn't know until it was too late, we were at the institute and it happened. I shifted. It was horrible, I went to your dad, thinking he would help." He scoffed at this point. "Big help he was. He sent me away, told me to talk to no one. Especially you, claimed that I was unsafe.

"So I left, but I promise I left you a note, under your pillow. Knowing the people there, someone probably took it when you were sleeping or something. Anyway, I waited for you where I said I'd meet you on the note. But you didn't show." His face took on an empty emotion and I felt guilt spread through my veins.

"Figuring you hated me, I left again. I joined a pack. But I was stupid, an idiot and I challenged the alpha. Big mistake, I did defeat him, though. That was good. But I became alpha. Everyone else was thrilled by this, claiming the old alpha was horrid, and they hoped I would be nice, which I am. But I was still uncomfortable, so I got the old beta - that's second in command, by the way - to take charge, just until I was ready. I mean, I haven't been here for long, two weeks.

"Before I was here I was just a rouge, travelling. Living alone. Anyway, today I was checking out the school. I want to go. That's when I saw you running away, you looked so sad. I couldn't control my wolf as he ran after you..."

I replayed his words and even though I was a tad bit afraid of him being a werewolf I didn't mind too much, I mean I'd killed vampires for God's sake! I felt thrilled to have my best friend back again. I launched myself at him, wrapping my hands around his bulky frame.


Jack had decided to come to school with me today. We were a bit early so I was showing him around the horrible corridors. Today was Thursday. I was meant to hang out with Jared today, but I told him I couldn't make it by text last night since I was busy - more like spending time with Jack.

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