Chapter 6:

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I groaned as I rolled over. The soft satin of my green quilt bought me out of my tranquil state. Reluctantly I opened my eyes. The first sight that I was met with was the numbers 10:12am from my clock. I pushed myself out of bed and made my way through the crammed landing of my house. I entered the bathroom and stripped my clothes off, stepping into the shower.

I let the warm water soothe me. All too soon it was over and I decided to put on my fish net tights and tartan skirt - so that I could conceal my stake on my garter belt - I also slipped on a fresh bra, which hid some silver flecks. I was set.

Picking up an apple from the wooden bowl on my marble kitchen table I skipped out of the house. My red hair was still wet and I let the soft breeze dry it out. I headed towards my destination: the alley way where I met that vampire when Isaac saved me. I still hadn't spoken to either him or Jared since Thursday. If none of them were going to apologize, I wasn't going to grace them with my presence.

Suited me fine. But I could see the resolve in Jared's eyes dissolving and I knew it wouldn't be long till he dragged Isaac with him to say he was sorry.

My breath caught in my throat as I reached the alley way. I walked in at the same end as last time. In the light it didn't seem as daunting as last time. Dumpsters overflowed with rubbish on both sides of the graffiti stained walls. The alley wasn't long and I could see the beginning of a new street at the other entrance of the alley.

For some alien reason I felt fear prickle in the depths of my gut. That was weird. I was never scared. Not even when I faced that one vampire who was drunk when I was all eleven and left a jagged scar on my left arm when he threw a shard of the broken beer bottle at me. No, this feeling was much, much, worse. And I had no idea why.

Well shit. My steps faltered and for a short second I thought about turning around and running home so I could hide under my bed. I was about halfway when a shadow stopped the light from the street at the end of the alley.

A deep guttural laugh filled the air. The sound made me quake in my boots - well I would've been if I was wearing boots. The figure - who I now noticed was a man - walked forwards, like he was searching for his prey.

His ratty blond hair was matted with blood. Ugh. He bared his teeth and I could see the remains of his last meal. Let's just say it was not a pretty sight. He wore ripped jeans which made him look like he was from a metal core band. He was bare chested and skinny.

"I've been waiting for your little guard dog to leave you alone," he sneered. His voice was scratchy and it made my ears ache. By the little emphasis he put on dog I could only guess his statement was about Jack. Bastards, always taking the piss out of my best friend.

"How do you know he's not around the corner, ready to rip your head off?" I asked, with a little smug smile.

His reply wiped that smile right off my face and flushed it down the toilet. "Because I can't smell the mutt!" He snarled.

Well shit, I forgot about that. Involuntary I took a step back. Big mistake.

"Scared, are we?" The stranger asked.

"Of you? No chance."

He smirked and stalked towards to me. I kept still lest he found this more intriguing.

"Pity. Would've been fun to have a little chase," he says, raising a hairy eyebrow.

Fuck. What have I done? I was totally vulnerable and there was a vampire right here! Of course, I could've easily slipped my hand under my skirt, reached into my garter belt and pulled out my jade encrusted stake, but the movement would've be too obvious. Shit, I thought to myself, I should've just shut my big gob and got my weapon. Stupid, stupid. Stupid!

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