Chapter 15

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It's not true.
It's not true.

I kept repeating it inside my head, I thought that if I kept saying it, it would eventually become true.

Or not.

I forcefully pushed myself out of Isaac's strong hold. Forgetting the man - who I no longer would call father- on the floor, I turned on Isaac. I shot him my most murderous glare. His face remained impassive. I was hit hard with the sense of betrayal, that kiss... It had felt so real. I choked back tears. The slight draught made Isaac's raven hair swipe across his face, he didn't push it back.

I wanted to hate him, I did. But, looking into those molten silver eyes, I couldn't. But I could damn well try.

I had my black jeans on, therefore my stakes were strapped to my back. The inside of my fading black leather jacket had two holders inside, one for each stake. If I could divert Isaac's attention I could easily get one.

"It's not what you think," Isaac tried to assure me.

Sure, somehow that man on the floor knew we would be here, and I certainly didn't tell him, which only left Isaac. Plus, I couldn't forget the fact that Isaac pulled me off him. What the hell did it look like?

Ever since the beginning Isaac had been there. Which meant that my father... No. I refused to believe that Isaac was working alongside my father. Which then led me to think... Did Isaac lie to me? Was I not his mate? Tears pricked my vision.

No! A voice inside my head screamed. I wouldn't let them win.

"You used me," I stated. But, before I could hear the lame excuses from him, I whipped out my larger stake, quick as a vampire and threw it at him. My vision was blurry and I couldn't see straight, I was off target. The stake hit Isaac's shoulder with an audible thwack!

Out of my laced combat boots, I pulled out a silver knife. I didn't want to kill my dad, I couldn't. Yes, I felt betrayed but not enough to kill him. Instead I just plunged the knife into his bulging stomach. It should give me time.

Time to kill the vampire lord.

Like a ninja, I leaped over the two fallen bodies and stood in front of the door. I wondered if it would be locked? If it was, I was in serious trouble. The door was just a plain metal one, like it had just been smacked in there.

I yanked open the door, using the metal handle. Blinding light hit my retinas. Good. It was daytime, no vampires prowling around. I mean, it was a vampire town, but there was nothing they could do about natural light. Suckers, literally.

It was just like any other town, except that there were, on every street, vending machines of blood. Ordinary houses lined the streets, a dirty road split the streets and no one was about. Potted plants, trees and flowers littered the grassy areas. The air was clear and the metal door shut with a boom! behind me.

Up ahead, on a vast, grassy hill I saw it. A stone castle. It looked old, like it was a part of the past. It had turrets, which held a blue flag up. A white diamond was centred in the middle of the flag, I could see two enormous wooden doors. There were no walls or gates surrounding the castle, just an isolated castle up on the hill.

Which meant, just like any other vampire, I could walk right in there without causing too much of a scene. Of course, there'd probably be a few gaurds around the castle, but nothing I couldn't handle. John must have been asleep now. I had no Isaac, so I had no villagers I could rally up.

I was all alone. Again.

I followed a brick, meandering path that I could see led to the castle. Trees that were all similar in size and height lined the pathway, shading me from the harsh rays of the sun. I passed a blood machine, it was a similar size to the TARDIS and you had to pay thirty pence for a sachet of blood.

I could smell, for some odd reason, air freshener. Vampires couldn't smell, why would they need air freshener? I tripped on a stray pebble and came face to face with the floor.

"I can smell It!" A deep, gruff voice rumbled. I stayed where I was, frozen on the ground, not daring to move lest they sense me. Maybe they could smell the air freshener too?

Or, maybe not.

"Don't be ridiculous! A human couldn't get past the gate!" Came a high pitched voice. So, one woman, one man...

Who could both smell... Me.

I'd been so hurt by Isaac's betrayal that I hadn't even bothered to think things through! I scolded myself and took a deel breath.

The air freshener!!

I could use that to mask my scent! I moved my leg, which made an awfully loud dragging sound.

"Did you hear that?" The man asked. I froze again, cursing myself. I was going to die. A rebel tear fell down my cheek. I nearly screamed when a cold hand clamped over my mouth, and another cold hand pushed my back further into the ground.

"Stay down," a familiar voice hissed in my ear. I shifted my head slightly. Isaac was here, he'd lost his leather jacket, and was only wearing a plain grey shirt that had a massive hole, leaking blood, from where I'd staked him. His jeans were filthy and his silver eyes had a wild, frantic look to them.

His shaggy hair fell down and tickled my face. How could he betray me like that? He lured me in and then broke me. A vampire had broken me. I squirmed under his grasp.

"Stay down! Do you want me to walk over there and hand you over?" He whispered harshly.

"That's what you were planning anyway!" I retorted.

Isaac's face softened and he leaned forward, planting his forehead on mine.
"It was a mistake, once I knew who you were, I couldn't do it. You're mine, my mate and I'm so sorry." His breath was coming out ragged.

I realised that he must've really fought the pain of the stake, and ran even though he was injured just to get to me.

Still, before that, he was working against me and I wasn't the sort to forget and forgive.


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