Chapter 3

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Four days had passed since the Isaac event. Today was Friday. I hadn't seen Isaac in school. He'd been avoiding me. I wasn't a bitch though, so I let him sit with Jared whilst I completely avoided the lunchroom and sat in the dusty music room, playing the piano. Which was what I was doing now. I had twenty minutes before my first lesson and I was trying to play Claire De Lune, but I was failing miserably. I'd played the piano only a few times before. I was good, but I wasn't excellent.

Exasperated, I gazed around the room. Music stands of all different sizes and colours filled up the room. Music sheets were in an array of mess on the floor. The big oak desk at the front of the room looked untouched. The windows let in the tiniest bit of sunshine, making the numerous Saxophones, flutes and trumpets dazzle. The rows of benches were practically begging for the attention of a musician. It was a woeful sight.

I was so engrossed in the old, black piano that I didn't notice someone breathing down my neck until said person cleared their throat. I spun around, ready for action. It was Isaac. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Can you actually play the piano? Or do you just sit there and stare at it?" He asked.

"Are you stupid? Or do you want me to just kill you right here?" I replied, batting my eyelashes in a fake attempt to lure him in.

"I thought that you'd already established that I wanted to, how did you put it? Not be a vampire? Or did you forget that along with how to brush your hair?" He sneered.

I thought back to this morning. Did I brush my hair? My face flushed red. I was about to reply when a ringing cut me off. It was my phone. I searched through my black shoulder bag to find my ancient phone. It was my dad. I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked, hesitantly.

"Jade?" My father's deep voice replied. I was still aware of Isaac's presence as I answered my dad.


"I know you told me not to contact you, but I really need you to come back." I jumped up at this. A chance to go back? There was no way I'd refuse.

"Yes, of course! But... why? You were dead set on me not taking this career path."

"I realise now that it's your life. If you want to..." He paused. I knew what was coming. Mum. "If you want to die the way she did then that's your choice. Truth is there have been more and more sightings of rouges and even more killings and I need someone to go down and sort out the problem, no one else is willing so I thought maybe you...?" His voice grew quiet towards the end. I didn't care.

"Yes. I'm coming straight away. See you soon." I hung up before he could reply. I grabbed my bag, stuffed my phone inside and got up. A hand grabbed my arm. Sparkles flew through my body and even though his hand was ice cold, it made me feel warm.

"You're not going," He ordered.

"Fuck you," I spat, trying to get out of his grip.

"Don't you feel it? When I touch you? The connection? Dammit Jade! You're so stupid! I wasn't even talking to him and I could tell that he didn't care if lived or died! Can't you see that's what he's doing? Sending you to your death? Fighting rouges alone?" His voice was frantic now and his constant change of mood was pissing me off. And girls are meant to be the ones on their period.

"I've done it before!" I practically screamed.

"You really are stupid! Don't go," he pleaded.

I snorted. "Really? You're asking me not to go? The one who kills humans for their blood? You've got to be having a fucking joke. A sick one."

"I'm not. I've stopped." His voice sounded grave.

"Stopped?" I echoed. To say I was confused would've been an understatement.

"I've stopped killing people. These past days I was out hunting... animals. I don't know why, but when I saw how disgusted you were with me for killing innocents I felt repulsion towards myself. The look of hatred on your face... God. I can't explain how it made me feel. I feel something towards you, like I can't keep away. I've tried. I really have. But you're just so... different." His confession made me feel fuzzy inside, I literally wanted to do a victory dance right then and it pissed me off.

Why was I feeling like this? I pushed all the loving thoughts of him down as I glared at him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I said nonchalant.

His jaw clenched. "You're not going," He pleaded.

"Don't tell me what to do," I snapped. "It's my life! I want to go! I never wanted to come here in the first place! My life is killing vampires! My life is danger! But I like it that way!"

Hisface softened and I wanted to kick him. Stupid fucking vampires. "Stop being fucking ridiculous! I don't understand..." He trailed off staring into my eyes. I laughed. He continued. "You said that you killed vampires for revenge, who did you lose?" His voice was soft, sweet and caring. A tear rolled down my cheek and I rubbed it away furious with myself for letting him see me cry.

"My mum," I whispered.

"You want to kill every single vampire because of what happened to your mum. Is that how you dealt with the grief?" I nodded my head. "I think, correct me if I'm wrong, that you throw yourself into dangerous situations to prove to everyone that you're strong. So no one will see the girl inside, the girl who longs for her mum. And that's okay." His voice soothed me and sobs wracked my body, I was making horrible hiccupping noises. He pulled me against his chest and his embrace cooled and warmed me at the same time.

"Fucking stupid vampire, why do you have to be right all the time?" I whispered into his chest. I felt his body vibrate as he chuckled darkly.

"Because," He pushed me away so he could look into my eyes. "I already feel like I know you."


I sat next to Jared in the lunchroom, history trig and biology had whizzed by and Jared was my only source of entertainment. There wasn't as many people in the lunchroom today. Perfect. After my conversation with Isaac I avoided him all day, however, I did decide to stay here and actually complete my education. The chair next to me scraped across the floor.

"Hey man," Jared greeted.

"Sup," Isaac's husky voice replied. Seriously this is how guys talk to each other?

"So, Jade I was wondering what your plans are for tomorrow?" Jared asked me, a hopeful look in his eyes.

I shrugged. "Not much."

He grinned and I mentally groaned knowing what was coming next. "I was wondering if you wanted to, I don't know, go out with me?" He smiled sheepishly and I felt the urge to just go. If this is what normal teenagers did that it shouldn't be a problem right? He was cute after all.

"Sure!" I replied enthusiastically. In my peripheral vision I could see Isaac scowl, his jaw clench and his fists curl into fists. Was he jealous?

As I thought about this alarming fact I thought about who I'd pick between the two. I hated vampires, with a passion. So, I'd probably go for Jared. Nevertheless, I couldn't deny this feeling I felt towards Isaac, like I just wanted to launch myself at him and attack him with multiple kisses, which is strange because I've never ever thought about doing that ever.

Suddenly Isaac's chair was halfway across the lunchroom. Conversations halted. Everyone turned to look at us, like we were chemicals under a microscope waiting to be scrutinized. Isaac's eyes were full of the intention to kill.

Probably some innocent soul. "Dude, I wouldn't waste your time on her. No offence or anything but she really doesn't look like she'd be good in bed." And with that he was out of the lunchroom, questioning gazes following him.

My mind was on Isaac and his harsh words as Jared started talking about his - or should I say our? - Plans for tomorrow.

A/N: I think we have a bipolar vampire here.

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