Chapter 9:

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The vampire loosened his black tie, if vampires could sweat, I was pretty sure this one would be. I knew I was. Bucket loads.

The sharp, silver knives kept slipping from my hand, I felt like the world was on fire even though the sun was no where to be seen. The whites of the dead man's body were the only thing in the dank, dark alleyway that seemed familiar.

In the shadows I could see the blur of the vampire. His slick black hair tickled my chin as he ran past me.

"Stop playing and fight!" I growled.

He stopped metres in front of me. A long, pale finger lifted my chin up, forcing my sky blue eyes to look into his soulless black ones.

"But I always play with my food." He pouted mockingly. My hands were numb at my side and the silver knives were digging into my skin.

"I'm guessing it doesn't fight back, usually," I said as I plunged one of the knives into his left eye. I used my combat boots to shove him backwards then I plunged the second knife into his heart - if you could call it that - and sent him into the pits of Tartarus.


"Are you OK?" Jack asked. We were sitting under a tree, watching the cars arrive to drop people off for school. The green grass ticked my bare legs. Today, I'd opted to wear black shorts, a purple tank top and black converse. It was hot out. My red hair was pulled back into a high pony tail and the slight breeze whispered at the nape of my neck.

Jack had on ordinary dark blue jeans, a grey shirt and some sunglasses. His hair was a mop on top of his head. I had to resist the urge to put it straight.

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to face Jack.

"I don't know. It's just... it doesn't matter." I was still freaked out by the incident in the alleyway. I'd come here to get away from vampires, from the fighting to have a break. A normal life. But it was just getting stranger.

Jack's eyebrows furrowed together. "I think you need to relax," he said, whilst looking at me in concern.

I tried to smile at him reassuringly, and it seemed to work because he was staring at a small girl walking past on the rocky pavement.

I hadn't seen Isaac since the alleyway, when he'd stormed off. I didn't know whether I should apologise. Yes, I was being a bitch, but he was annoying me and being no help whatsoever.

If I saw him today, what would I do? Act like nothing had happened, because the fact of the matter was that something had happened. I'd said something and that made him mad, one moment he was joking around with me and the next moment he'd turned into a block of ice.

I thought back to what had happened, and frowned. Every time I was alone, I was somehow cornered by the vampires that had killed my mother and wanted me. There was the time after Jack left and now Isaac.

Somehow, that alleyway was like a bad omen. Whenever I was there alone, or anywhere remotely dark and secluded, they were there, too. I had to stay away, I knew that would be the responsible thing to do. The thing is, could I stay away? I was too curious and I needed answers. They needed me, yet they killed my mother?

Something didn't add up. Apparently, she'd killed herself to get away from them. What did that mean? What was so bad that she had to end her own life? And, more importantly, why didn't she tell me? She obviously knew what they wanted, didn't she think that telling me was important. Or, maybe she didn't think they'd come after me.

"Hey!" I said a bit too loud. "What was with the little blush and messing with your shorts when Anna was with us?" I asked, a cheeky little grin on my face. I wasn't going to lie to myself, I knew I was only asking this so I could take my mind off my problems. It made me feel a little guilty, knowing I was only using Jack as a distraction, but I needed it. I couldn't cope with the endless amounts of questions, that had no answers and led me nowhere. 

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