Chapter 17

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We were still in the shed. It was even darker now, since it was night. I'd been sitting here, on the damp floor staring at the pictures on the wooden walls. Isaac had been 'resting' to try and heal his wound. The one that I had inflicted.

I wasn't sorry.

"We'll have to leave soon," Isaac said. I could only make out his outline, nothing more. It was just too damn dark!

I furrowed my eyebrows. Leave where? Why? "What? Why?" I asked.

"Sooner or later, someone will find two piles of ash outside, the vampires I killed. They'll scout the area and they're bound to look here."

I'd never thought of that. "Fine. We stick to the plan. You go rally up some vampires, I'll walk into the castle..." Somehow that seemed too easy.

"Just like that? You just walk in?" Isaac asked harshly. What other choice did we have?  Oh, I know. Let's go knock on his door.

"I'm leaving." I stood up and yanked open the shed door. Outside I could just barely make out the brick path that would lead to the daunting castle. I took a step outside and began to walk.

I could just see the castle when a hand landed on my shoulder. I didn't scream because somehow I knew it was Isaac. He spun me around, he had a hard look on his face. Before I knew what was happening he kissed me. It was rough and hard, like he needed the kiss.

"Just promise me you'll come back," he whispered to me. Gone was the mean, cold Isaac. This Isaac couldn't lose me. Here, in the dark, in his grey shirt and black jeans I saw him for who he really was.

He was fragile. Before I came he didn't give a shit about what happened to him, or anyone else. But, now, he cared about me.

"I can't make promises that I might not be able to keep," I said softly. Isaac pulled me to his chest, cradling me. He tightened his grip.

"Then you're not going," he said. I hugged him back, leaving all my feelings there. I had to do this. For my mum, for me and for Isaac. I reached into my bra, picked up a few silver flecks and clutched them in my hands. With these, I could make Isaac sleep.

I pulled out of the embrace, tears strolling down my face. My nose was blocked and probably snotty. I kissed Isaac's forhead, making him close his eyes. Then I placed the small, square flecks on his eyelids, they dissolved and he didn't open his eyes again. I only had ten minutes before he woke again.

"I'm sorry," I told him as I dragged him over to the scrawny mattress. As quietly as possible, I closed the door and sneaked out. I felt like a rebel teenager.

With shaking hands I furiously rubbed the tears away and continued down the path. I ran until my lungs felt like they'd burst out of my chest, a bit like how my heart was feeling.

The castle was actually quite small. I could see light coming through the stained glass windows. Images of what looked like ancient Greek Gods splattered the windows. The door was wooden, it was a massive arch. The view took my breath away. The blue flag, with a white diamond in the middle, fluttered in the breeze.

Goosebumps arose on my arms. Before I could be seen, I sneaked around the side of the castle, it was all overgrown grass here. Well, until I reached the back of the castle. It looked identical to the front, apart from there was no door. Just a mossy stone wall.

The garden was big. There were benches all around the square courtyard. Flowers and trees complimented the scene. A marble pathway outlined the garden.

"He has not returned from the sewers, I fear that something has happened. Send a few gaurds to check it out," a raspy voice ordered. They were, if my assumptions were correct, just across the yard, between the trees. I crouched down and scuttled, like a crab behind a bench.

Only now did I see the bench was made of pure gold. A solid, gold bench. Well, I thought, someone likes benches.

"Of course, your Highness." This voice was clearly younger. It was clear and deep. My blood ran cold, so that was John. I had the urge to just jump up and shout boo! whilst I threw I stake at him, however that would give me away and I needed information.

"If you are unable to find Mitchell Gregory then we will have to send out a search party." John said. They were talking about my dad. Something inside of me ached to know why? Why didn't my dad just send me to John? Why send on the goose chase...

Unless... Isaac. It had to be, John might not have known about us being mates, but he was betting on Isaac bringing me to him, therefore he'd get his son back to manipulate. This made me even madder, and I swore to myself that, no matter what, John would never get the chance to hurt Isaac again.

"Yes, sir. I'll get on to it immediately, your Majesty." Suck up, I thought.

"Tell me, Brandon, is that"-he Sniffed-" human I smell? I hope not." I stopped breathing, literally. Not again, I thought desperately.

"My Lord, I do not smell anything unusual, just the same sickly juniper smell." I let out a deep breath, either this Brandon guy couldn't smell me, or he could and was planning to find me himself.

I heard a loud, long sigh. "This old age is getting to me. I fear that being alive for two millennia has dulled my senses." I peeked over the edge of the bench, I could see one person. He was old so my guess was that he was John.

His hair was grey and mostly covered by a red crown. It had four golden prongs that jutted out and then met at the top in the middle, whilst the inside was red. All around the white rim of the crown were diamonds.

He wore an elaborate red robe that fell to the floor, so from behind, it looked like he was wearing a dress, but from the side I could see the golden buttons that were fastened together. I hoped he was wearing a shirt and jeans underneath.

He had a rather large nose that stuck out, black eyes and very hairy eyebrows. His skin was wrinkled and, for a vampire, he looked tired. The only similarity I could pick up on between him and Isaac were the eyes. Dark and ominous, like they were shadows.

Shadows that were about to see me. I ducked back behind the bench, praying to Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Athena and any God that was listening that he hadn't sensed me.

"Brandon, are you sure you cannot smell that humane lavender smell?" John asked quietly, almost so I couldn't hear him.

I prayed that this Brandon said no as I stuck to the ground.


This chapter is a bit longer than the others, hope you liked it.

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