Chapter 12

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I saw Isaac the next day. He was wearing a tight black shirt, some blue ripped jeans and his black hair looked newly washed and it settled across his eyes. I was wearing my steel toed combat boots, some bright purple jeans and a faded Nirvana shirt.

It was Friday and school was about to start, students were rushing into the school, hurriedly grabbing their books whilst trying to talk to their friends. Isaac stood alone, scowling under the school's shadow. The sun was high in the sky, unusually high for eight o'clock in the morning.

The old, brick building was quite daunting next to the clear, vibrant fields full of wild flowers. And I chickened out.
One look at Isaac's face and I was scrambling up the pavement, looking like I was scared of being late, when, in reality, I was scared of talking to a vampire!

I didn't know whether it was because I was afraid that he'd not help me, or because he'd laugh at me, but whatever it was, it was making me sweat enough to fill two buckets. Dammit, why couldn't I just walk over there and do it?!

I stopped when I was two steps away from the semi glass doors. I clenched my fists together, like they were made of pure gold. I would do this. I took a deep breath, and stalked towards Isaac. He was my prey and I was the predator.

When he saw me coming he turned to face me, we were shrouded in darkness, I was only barely able to make out his outline and features. His scowl turned into an apprehensive look.

"Hey," I said a little awkwardly. He eyed me warily and when he didn't reply and decided to suck it up and do it.

"I need your help, well not your help, but information," I told him.

"Go on," he said. His voice was husky, and for a moment I wondered if vampires really did have pheromones that could lure you in, because I really wanted to outline his jawline with my fingers and kiss him.

"Um, Jade?" He asked. I snapped out of my thoughts. No, no, no. I was not going there. Damn vampires.

"Right, oh yeah. I need you tell me where your Lord lives," I said. He instantly stiffened, if I could see then I'd bet his eyes darkened. It really was dark here.

"Why? What are you planning on doing?"

I snorted. "Like I'd tell you." I'd decided that Isaac was on his step dad's side. I mean, he should be, right?

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked quietly.

"He's your Lord and your step dad, you're on his side, there's no way I'd tell you anything." I stood up straight, determined to not let my stance fall.

"I am not on his side, he made me watch whilst he killed my mum, and my brother, I want him dead just as much as you do, the throne is rightfully mine anyway," he said. He didn't say it smugly or arrogantly, he said it like it was a fact, he deserved the crown more than the guy who killed his own family.

"Fine, but as soon as you step one foot out of line or betray me, then I have a stake with your name on it!" I knew it would be a bad idea to let him help, but I didn't have a choice, as much as I hated to admit it, I needed Isaac.

"Fine. So, what's the plan?"

I grinned. "OK, so I'm assuming you have some friends in the vampire city, that obviously don't like they tyrant Lord, I'm sure they'd love to help you, right?

"Okay, so we stay with them for a while, check out the town, rally a few people and study what the Lord - oh can I just call him John? So, as I was saying we study what John does on a daily basis and then I go in and pretend I know nothing about him, and then when the time comes, I kill him. Or you do, whatever. I don't care as long as he's dead!" The plan needed tweaking, and elaborating, because let's face it, I needed to be prepared before I walked in there.

Apparently Isaac disagreed. "No!" He snarled. The sound shocked me so much I ended up jumping half a mile.

"Shit, you scared me. What is it?" Isaac was a blur as he ran towards me, he stopped a foot away, if I leaned in my nose would touch his cheek.

"I won't let you go in there alone," he whispered.

I rolled my eyes. "Look, I get it you want to be the one to kill him, to avenge your mother's death, and your brother's. And that's fine, I won't kill him if you-"

He cut me off. "No, that's not what I meant. I don't care about that. I don't want you going in there alone. I can't let you, you mean too much to me," he said quietly.

I stood there, gawking like an idiot. I meant too much to him? So the feelings I had around him were mutual?

"I-I don't know what to say," I stammered. He laughed and pulled me towards him. "Say nothing then," he murmured in a dark voice. Then, he leaned down slowly, giving me time to reject him. I didn't.

I wanted this. I leaned towards him and our lips met. We fought for dominance, which he won. My lips were on fire, my body was tingling and my thoughts were clouded by Isaac. I was going all gooey over a vampire. What would my dad say?

Who cared?

Isaac pulled away, his eyes were intense, and strangely a vibrant silver. His lips curled up and he leaned his forehead against mine.

"You see? How can I let you go after that?" He asked. I chuckled to myself as I leaned into him. We stood in the shadows, embracing before we walked into the cave of danger and, possibly, death.

The only thing different from my original plan was that Isaac was definitely on my side and I was on his, we were, in some sense, together now.

The vampire and his hunter.


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